Chapter 11

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"You're so gay and I know it"

Jared, Connor, Zoe, Alana, and I were sitting at our table and eating lunch, we had an earlier lunch today because of some schedule change but I didn't mind. I didn't tell Jared about what happened with Connor last night but I think he can tell I've been much happier today. But I'm not telling him about anything until it's time.

"I'm not gay Jared"


"I'm not"

Connor looked at Jared with a death glare in his eyes.

"Jared shut up"

"No I won't also I know you're gay too, you both are"

"You don't know that"

"Yes I do I can see it in your eyes"

Connor and I both rolled our eyes. Alana and Zoe said nothing and just laughed at us. The bell rang and lunch was over. Connor and I have 4th period together so I got to walk with him to class. Connor smiled as me as we walked down the hall.

"Do you think we should tell Jared?"

"Evan are you going crazy of course not he'll just laugh at us if we do"

"That's true"

Connor and I make it to class and he whispered in my ear.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

I whisper back then we go to sit in our spots, then the only gay couple in the school walks in, Marissa and Natalie. They hold hands and smile at each other then go to sit in their seats.

They are so confident.

Marissa and Natalie sit next to each other. I guess the teacher did that so Natalie would talk more in class. She still doesn't and if I were her I wouldn't either but I'd be happy to sit next to my girlfriend. Connor whispers in my ear.

"I wish we could sit together"

"I do too"

Connor goes back to his seat and Mr. Burr walks in, he's our history teacher. He says we will be starting group projects today and I sigh.

I hope I'm not in a bad group.

Mr. Burr assigns us groups. I couldn't have been more happy when I saw my group. It was Connor, Natalie, Marissa, and I. We got assigned to do a project on Alexander Hamilton which Natalie and Marissa seemed to know a lot about.

We started working on our project and Natalie got everything set up. She was a good student, like me she always got her homework done and never had any late work. If she did have late work she'd freak out. I helped her and looked things up in the book. Connor kept staring at his black nails and Marissa just stared at her legs the whole time.

"Hey Natalie how do my legs look today?"

"10/10 like always"

"Thanks baby"

I roll my eyes and Natalie and I continued to work on the project while Connor and Marissa kept doing their own thing. Connor and Marissa were the bad kids of our group I guess, Marissa really embarrassed her bad side with her half shaven hair and she's even thinking about dying her hair again. Connor had on all black like always and had his black nail polish and his long dark brown hair that went up to his shoulders.

Natalie always had a long sleeve shirt on and jeans and I always had my blue striped shirt on. Natalie had her short, curly brown hair that was just above her shoulders. My hair has always been the same, light brown and cute, as Connor's been calling it. Natalie and I were almost done with the power point when the bell rang.

"I'll finish it tonight and maybe tomorrow we can sit with you guys at lunch and I can show you it?"

"That's fine"

Connor and I left the room and I went to my last class, Connor waved goodbye to me and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek. I blushed.

Hopefully no one saw that.

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