Chapter 67

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The video is of Mike Faist's final bow in deh, if you didn't know Mike left deh today and basically the whole fandom fell apart, but I'm happy that he'll get the break he deserves and I can't wait to see what he does next. Happy trails Mike, I know that Alex will do great things with this roll just as you did.

Connor's POV:

Oh Evan I hope you're ok, I don't want you being hurt at school or anything. I don't want anyone to hurt you, I love you so much I don't want anything to happen to you.

I lay in bed, sick at the moment. Mom stands by my side with tissues in her hand. I look up at her.

"Mom I don't need you by my side all the time"

"Oh Connor I just... well I just don't want anything to happen to you"

"I'm fine..." I reply and cough for what seems like the 500th time today.

"Connor... I'm afraid Evan can't visit you today... I don't want him coming over when you're sick" mom says while handing me another tissue, I blow my nose.

"BUT I NEED EVAN I-" I cough once more, my voice hurts now just by yelling.

"Connor we both know that it's best if he doesn't come over... you sound terrible and you're coughing every second" she replies.


"So I already called his mom and told her"

It takes all the strength I have not to punch her right in the face. I try not to yell.

"You already called Heidi?"

"Connor it's for the best"

I cough again and grab a tissue from mom.

I know she's right about this. I look like crap, I'm super tired, I sound horrible, I really can't function that well. I want to see Evan though, I don't care how sick I am, I must see Evan.

Mom starts poking me in the side. "Connor, Connor what are you thinking about? Look I don't want you breaking into the Hansen house again"

"I won't"


I lied.

It's one in the morning and mom finally went to bed, I slowly get out of bed and head towards the window. My head is pounding but I choose to ignore it, I slowly unlock the window and climb out. My feet touch the ground moments later and I run as fast as I can towards Evan's house, I can't handle not seeing him anymore. Once I get there I try to unlock the window but it won't open, I feel my pockets for my phone but it's not there.

Shit I left it at home, I'll have to knock.

I tap on the glass hoping Evan would wake up, I see a shape walk over to the window and start to unlock it, my heart fills with joy. As soon as the window is unlocked I climb inside, but I'm not greeted by Evan, I'm greeted by Heidi instead.

"Connor? You look horrible. Why are you up so late and why are you here?"


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