Pregnancy Scares

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Haley's Pov.

I was sitting in the bath listening to my music until I nearly had a heart attack. Cam had tapped my shoulder. I opened my eyes and looked at him taking out my head phones.

"Geez Cam you scared the shit out of me" I said breathing heavily. He sat there with his arms folded on the edge if the tub and his head in his arms.

"Sorry baby" he spoke sweetly. "It's ok but why are you in here I'm in the bath" I said. He laughed slightly before responding.

"Because I missed you and we need to talk." He said dipping his finger into the bath water. I pulled one of my legs out of the bath and applied shaving cream to it. "About what?" I asked spreading the shaving cream through out my leg.

"You know I've got like 2 days until I go back home, right" he said. "Mhmm" I hummed beginning to shave my leg. I glanced at him and he was staring at me.

It was then that I realized he lived in Cali. I dropped my razor and looked at him sadly. I don't want him to leave. He couldn't. I would die.

I looked at him with soft eyes. "Then let's make them count" I spoke as if I were weak. "We'll spend every second of every day with each other except for the bathroom part."

He smiled as I said that. "Okay" he smiled again getting up on his knees and leaning over the bath placing his lips on mine.

I watched as his eyes immediately closed. I did the same. I kisses him back. This was truly the best feeling in the world.

Cameron's Pov.

I left the bathroom waiting for Haley to get dressed and come out. I waited outside the door. I stood with my back against the knocking on the door.

"Hurry up baby" I said. The door knob turned and I stopped banging. "You can come in now" she said pushing the door open. I walked in and watched her brush her teeth.

I walked up to her. Her back was facing me so I wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my chin on her shoulder. I stayed like this as she spit the toothpaste out and rinsed her mouth.

She giggled. "What" I asked. "Nothing you'd get mad at me for saying it" I looked at her and squinted my eyes at her through the mirror.

She turned to face me. she looked down and then back into my eyes. She giggled again. "WHAT" I said impatiently. "Nice boner" she smiled.

I looked down to see what she had looked at and it was huge. I bit my lip and my cheeks got red and hot with embarrassment.

She attempted to walk away but I pulled her back to me. "Yes Mr. Boner" she said. "Don't call me that never that's a no no" I said.

"Well what do you want" she asked. "Hmm I want to go join everyone else for movie night in your theatre" I said taking her hands in mine. Her back was still facing me.

"Ok" she said simply walking out. I followed her downstairs and into the movie room.

Khaleahs pov.

I saw Cameron and Haley walk in together. "Holy shit Cameron" I said referring to his boner. "Ok so I walk in and the first thing you look at is my dick thanks guys" he said.

We all laughed and sat in our seats as the movie began. I was sitting next to Jc who's phone buzzed in his pocket. I watched as he took it out.

"Fucking great" he said irritated. "What is it baby" I asked him. "Just the guys in Magcon are gonna be pissed" he said showing me his phone.

I looked at the tweet Mahogany had sent out to everyone. It read... I QUIT MAGCON EVERYONE IM SORRY

My eyes widened. They were going to be pissed. I looked around the room and nudged Jc. He looked at me. "Tell them" I mouthed.

Dating Him (A Cameron Dallas Story) Book #1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن