The Wedding

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*** 2 Months Later***

Haley's Pov.

I've been sick ever since Cameron and I's date night. Throwing up anyway. I think I have the stomach flu. Anyway Khaleah and Jc's wedding is tomorrow.

Currently we just got back from the wedding rehearsal.

"Bed now." Cameron says as he points his finger upstairs. I groan and go upstairs. "Sometimes you act like my mom."

He looks at me shocked. "Well I'd hope not." He follows me up the stairs and into my room.

"Dress off." He says sternly. Instead I run into the bathroom and throw up. When I'm finished I look through the drawers to try and find a towel.

Instead I find pregnancy tests. I pick them up and look at them sadly. "It wouldn't hurt to try." I whisper to myself. I take one out and open it.

I sit on the toilet close my eyes and pee on the stick. I bite my lip as I finish and pull it out so I can see it. I wait a few seconds and to my surprise it turns positive.

I take another and another just to be safe. Both say positive. I start screaming as loud as I can. Cameron rushes in and looks panicked.

"What?!" He says anxiously. "Cammy I'm pregnant!" His face turns from anxious to joyful. He picks me up and spins me around. "YAY! He shouts.

I giggle and kiss him as he spins me in circles. "Baby put me down!" He does as I say and sets me down gently.

Khaleah then runs into the room along with Heaven, Hayes, Jc and Ethan. "WHAT HAPPENED?!" She asks dramatically.

"Cameron and I are pregnant!" I say clapping my hands together like a child. Everyone smiles and congratulates us. "Thanks." I smile as I hug everyone.

Ethan wobbles over to me and I hug him. Oh he can walk now. Sorta. "Can we have some privacy?" Cameron asks. I look at him confused.

Everyone else just leaves. Cameron rubs my belly and gets on his knees in front of me. He lifts my dress so it's above my belly.

"Hold it." He says. I grab my dress and hold it in the spot he had it. I watch as he grabs my hips and kisses my tummy.

I smile and quickly get my phone to take a picture. I do and the flash goes off causing Cameron to look up at me.

I smile and mess with his hair. It was once gelled back but now I've messed it up making him look sexier. People weren't wrong when they said 'When you're pregnant you want to have sex all the time.' (True fact)

I try to contain myself but I already know Cameron knows I'm horny. "Baby you're extremely wet." He says while sliding a hand between my legs.

I bite my lip and nod. "Want me to fuck you?" He asks. I nod and he stands back at his normal height. His large body towers over my small frame. I'm only 5'3.

I quickly drop my dress and one thing leads to another and BAM BAM.

Khaleahs Pov.

Heaven and Hayes continue to make out on the couch and I just laugh. Jc feeds Ethan some leftover pizza as I continue to clean up the mess made.

Some how Jc always makes a mess. Even when it's just re-heating pizza. As I scrub the microwave I feel two strong hands grab my ass.

I quickly turn around to see Jc smiling at me. "Hi baby." He says. I smile and go back to scrubbing. "Hi." I say.

"Are you excited?" He asks me. I nod and finish scrubbing the last stain. "Baby we new to talk." I look at him and he looks at me seriously.

"What is it?" I ask. He pull me outside to our patio. "Don't you think we should have our own place?" I give him a confused look. "It's not that I don't like having them here because I do but, you know we're getting married tomorrow and I just think we should have our own place."

All I do is nod. "I don't know. I mean yeah it'd be nice but I'm not gonna just kick them out." Jc raises his eyebrows. "Listen I'll talk to her and Cam. I'm just saying though."

Jc smiles and grabs my waist pulling me in for a deep passionate kiss. I giggle as Ethan puts his hands and nose to the glass doors and watches us.

"He's so handsome like his daddy." I say and Jc kisses me once more deeply before we head inside. "Hey buddy." Jc says picking up his son.

I smile and wipe the counters down. Then I put away all my cleaning stuff. "Be careful with him!" I scold Jc as he tosses Ethan into the air.

Heavens Pov.

Hayes carries me up to our room and tosses me onto the bed. "I want you to fuck me." I say as Hayes climbs on top of me.

"Yes ma'am." And next ting I know we're both naked and BAM BAM.


I wake up to the sun streaming in through the windows. "SHIT!" I yell and look at the clock. Oh fuck. The wedding.

Apparently I woke everyone up because I listen closely as everyone rushes around the house. "I'll see you in a bit." I tell Hayes as him Cameron and Jc leave the house.

Us girls wave and smile. As soon as they're out of sight we hop in our car and drive to the church.

We run into the empty building as everyone is getting set up. One woman that looks like she's in her late 40's escorts us to our room.

The dresses are all hung up and neat. Haley and I shut the curtains as Khaleah begins to get undressed.

We all follow in her footsteps. As soon as we're all in our under garments we scramble around and get in our dresses. "Hurry ladies!" Someone calls through the door.

Khaleahs Pov.

Heaven fixes my dress on me as Haley plugs in the curling iron. I sit down in a chair at the vanity in the room. Heaven spins me around and begins on my makeup as Haley starts my hair.

Jc's Pov.

I've already walked down the isle and we're waiting on the girls. The place is full and I'll I can do is stand at the alter and wait for them.

The music continues to play until finally Cameron escorts Haley down the isle. I smile and watch them. The brides grooms dresses are beautiful.

They are a real long flowy dress with golden straps. Next is Heaven and Hayes. I smile and bite my lip anxiously waiting for my bride.

The music slows down and I see her coming out of the doors. It all seems like slow motion. She slowly walks down the isle with a little flower girl right in front of her.

Her dad escorts her to the alter an when they get here he kisses her cheek and walks back to his seat.

Right behind her is Ethan with the rings. "We are gathered here today..." the priest goes on but all I can think about his how beautiful this girl is in front of me right now.

The love of my life. "Eh em." The priest says. "Oh sorry I do." I look out in the crowd and everyone seems to have looked relieved. I guess I must not have answered in a while.

"I do." Khaleah says. We slide the rings on each others fingers and I smile at her. "You may now kiss the bride." The priest says.

I don't hesitate to lift her vail. I toss it gently behind her head and grab her hips. I kiss her and dip her to deepen the kiss. The crowd claps and I continue to kiss her.

She smiles through the kiss we share and I pull her back up. I pick her up bridal style and carry her out. The crowd continues to cheer as I put her in the car. I pick Ethan up, put him in the back and get in myself.

I honk the horn a couple times before driving off.


Hey guyzzzz sorry it was a longer chapter ^-^ I love you all! Stay beautiful! Get the book more reads please!!! You're all amazing. Comment and tell me how I did!!!!

Don't forget when my first book gets 200k reads I'll do a giveaway!

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