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Haley's Pov.

Cameron drives us home and the second we get there he gets out and opens the door for me. "Cammy, baby stop it." I climb out of the car with my pregnant ass and go with Cameron inside.

"I'll give you a bath." I say attempting to walk up the stairs. "Cammy help me please baby." I breathe. He helps me up the rest of the stairs and we go to our bathroom that's connected to our bedroom.

I help him get undressed before he steps into the tub. "You've been a mess Cameron."

"I know baby, it was hell without you." I turn on the water and plug the drain. Moving around is a lot harder when you're pregnant. I just pray that this baby makes it.

I grab a cup from the side of the tub and fill it with water. I dump the water on to Cameron's head and get the shampoo.

"Did you even go shopping?" I ask as I scrub his head. "Damn it, no." He sighs. "I didn't know what you'd like so we can go after you give me my bath." He says.

I giggle and grab the body wash. "Stand up." I say standing up myself. He stands and I have to stand on my tippy toes to wash his shoulders.

"What happened to our adventures?" He asks. I wash the rest of his body and then rinse it with the cup. "Baby, we need to settle down. We have a baby on the way. Our adventures will continue when our baby girl is old enough."

He smiles and steps out of the bath. I drain the water and grab a towel from the closet. "Where are we shopping?" He asks. "The mall." I say drying him off.

We walk back into our bedroom and Cameron goes into the closet to get dressed. I change out of my clothes into a pair of jeans and one of Cameron's shirts.

Cameron's shirts barely fit me I'm so fat. I'm about ready to pop. Any second I could blow. I'm 9 months and one week pregnant.

Once were both dressed Cameron helps me down the steps and out to the car. Cameron helps me into the car and he buckles me.

As he gets in the car I turn the key in the ignition. I turn on the radio an change it to 103.3, my favorite station.

The ride is silent except for the radio. We finally arrive at the mall and Cameron parks farther away from the doors. "Why'd you park so far away?" I ask climbing out.

"Sorry." He says apologetic. "It's fine." I smile and take his hand as we walk to the main doors. We walk in and the place is nearly empty. Which is weird because it's a Saturday.

"I first want to go get all the furniture." I said walking into the furniture store. "What room are we using as the baby room?" I asked. "The room that's right next to ours. I had it painted already. That's one thing I did do."

"What's it painted like?" I ask. "Princesses." I smile an snuggle his arm. "Looking for anything in particular?" The tall bimbo says looking directly at Cameron.

"Baby furniture." I say. Her eyes move to my belly and she frowns. "Oh, right this way." She says heading to the left side of the store.

"Thanks." I say once we reach the baby section. I browse around at the cribs until I find one that I liked. It was a light pink almost brown with flowers on it. I picked out the matching toy box and high chair.

While I was busy checking out the furniture Cameron was picking out baby bottles, diapers, pacifiers, bowls, plates, little silver wear, etc. in the same store.

"Your total is-"

"Hold on my husbands coming with more stuff I guess."

Cameron sets everything down on the counter and she begins to ring it all up. Suddenly I get the feeling of water running down my legs. Did I just pee?

My stomach begins to hurt. "Cameron!" I say holding my stomach. He looks at me panicked. "The baby." I say beginning to breathe hard. "We'll be back!" Cameron says picking me up and running out of the mall.

Damn he's strong. He runs to the car and puts me down. I scream as I get in. "Hold on baby." He says hopping in and starting. He pulls out of the parking space and speeds away to the hospital.

What do you guys think? Will the baby SURVIVE? Comment!

Dating Him (A Cameron Dallas Story) Book #1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora