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Cameron's Pov.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Stop it Cameron seriously what the hells wrong with you. I try to get myself to stop but it only ends up doing worse. I'm now laying down with her on top of me.

How did this even happen? Think about Haley Cameron. I push on her chest lightly. "I can't." I whisper. She sits up so she's straddling me and I run my fingers through my hair.

"Is it her?" I nod and she gets off me. "I understand. Thanks though." She puts her shirt back on and grabs her things. "Well it is one night." Why did I just say that?!

She smiles and gets back on me only to continue kissing me.

In the middle of our make out session my phone rings. Before I can see who's calling she ends the call. I slip off my shirt and keep kissing her.

Although I imagine her as Haley.

Haley's Pov.

I tried to call Cameron but he didn't answer. This only leads to more suicidal thoughts and me crying harder. He always told me to call him if I was feeling this way. He said we should talk it through but there's no point if he won't answer.

I try to call one more time as I try to keep my breathing under control. Once again I get his voicemail. "FUCK YOU CAMERON DALLAS!" I shout throwing my phone across the room.

I breath heavily and start to have a panic attack. Of course I don't know what to do because Cameron isn't here and he's the only one that could help me.

I rush into the bathroom and get my razor. I promised I'd never cut again but Cameron promised he'd always be here for me.

I cry and continue to panic as I begin cutting my arms up all over. Slowly I begin to manage my breathing. Slowly my breathing slows.

I try to keep it under control but I can't and that's when I fall back and slip into pure darkness.

Serious A/N

Guys and girls self harm is a serious thing and the reason I put it in this book is because it's a serious thing and I know what you're going through because I'm at that stage in life where it seems like it's not worth it anymore, but I promise you it is and I you ever need someone to talk to you guys can kik me any time. I'll always answer and I'm almost always on. We can talk it through!

Kik: fucked_up_lyfe

Khaleahs Pov.

I've tried to call Haley about a billion times but she hasn't answered so now I'm in front of her house. I rush inside and look throughout the house.

The house is so damn big.

Finally I run into her room an see her laying on the floor. Pale. Cold. She looks dead. Her breathing is very slow and I panic so immediately call 911.

Jc's Pov.

Haley left me at home with the baby. Probably one of her dumbest moves. I put some Pepsi into his sippy cup and give it to him.

"Daddy trouble." He says and I nod. "Probably." I say and pick him up taking him into the living room. I turn on some nascar and set Ethan down by his toys.

"Ahh" I say cracking open a beer and sitting on the couch.

Cameron's Pov.

It's like I couldn't stop myself. She wasn't even pretty no offense. I had no control over what was happening. I wanted to stop, honestly but I couldn't.

By now we're both in undergarments and I was on bottom. I just let her grind against me and kiss me. My phone rang for the 50th time literally an. Stop her.

"I need to answer it." I said before answering. "Mr. Dallas?" A voice spoke.

"That's me..."

"Haley's in the hospital and she's in critical condition. We don't know if she'll make it." I drop my phone in horror and my heart drops.

What the hell was happening. "I have to go." I say shoving her off me. As quick as I can I get dressed.

"What's wrong?" She asks. "Listen you seem nice but this was a HUGE mistake and now my girlfriends in the hospital."

I grab my phone and run out of the hotel as fast as I can. Tears brim my eyes as I get into my car and race to the hospital.

When I arrive I park and get out. I begin crying as I rush in to the receptionists desk. "Haley Cole please."

She gives me a sad look. "It's time to say your goodbyes. I'm very sorry sir. Room 318"

I run to her room number and take a shaky breath before walking in. Khaleah sits in one of the chairs. "ITS ABOUT FUCKING TIME!" She shouts. The doctor walks in and glares at her before putting a finger to his lips and walking out.

"Where the hell were you? Oh wait I know, you were with some other girl in your hotel room."

"How'd you know about that?"

She throws me her phone and luckily I catch it. I scroll down to see a picture of me and that girl walking into my hotel room. I look at it shamefully and read the article.

"That's probably what caused her to self harm."

I look at her arms and notice they're all cut up. When I look at her pale face everything seems to stop and I lose it. "I'm sorry." I cry and sit in the chair next to her bed. I take her hand in mine and kiss it gently.

"This is my fault." I whisper. Khaleah nods in agreement. "If my best friend dies then so do you." She says harshly before walking out.

Haley's Pov.

I see a bright light and that's when I realize I'm dying. "NO!" I shout even though no one can hear me. The light stops and I sigh.

Suddenly I'm brought to my hospital room. I see me on the bed pale and Cameron holding my hand. He looks like a mess. "WAKE UP!" I shout but no one can hear me. I fall to my knees and sob.

1 Month Later

Haley's Pov.

I'm back inside my body. I've been back inside my body ever since the day I left. I was out of it for about an hour before returning.

The light gets brighter an I realize I'm looking up at the hospital room lights. I look to my left to see a sleeping Cameron. God he was so cute.

I use all the energy I have to squeeze his hand. He's asleep so he doesn't feel it. I watch as the doctor walks in and looks at me. "D-do-" I try to speak but it's so hard. "Don't w-wa-wa-wake-"

"Don't wake him." The doctor whispers and I give him a faint smile. He checks my ivs before walking out of the room.

Dating Him (A Cameron Dallas Story) Book #1Where stories live. Discover now