Mental Hospital

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The doctor runs the gel on my belly with the scanner thing. We all look at the monitor and watch the baby move around. Just then Cameron wakes up and looks at the monitor.

"Your baby is a healthy baby boy." The doctor says. I smile and hug Cameron. He smiles sleepily and looks around the room in surprise. When his eyes meet Kians his surprise turns to pure anger.

"Why the fuck are you here?" Ho spits bitterly. I hold him to me as if he were a small child. "Stop it baby." I kiss him and he deepens the kiss by caressing the side of my face.

"I want him gone." Cameron grits his teeth. "You have no room to tell him to leave Mr. I'll-leave-my-suicidal-girlfriend-alone-and-go-make-out-with-someone-else." He sighs heavily and snuggles me.

"I'm sorry." He whispers in my ear. "It's okay." I whisper as my voice cracks just thinking of him with someone else. "I wanna go home." I say beginning to cry.

"Unfortunately you can until we can trust you." I look at him weird. "We're putting you in a mental hospital Miss Cole."

He finished with the ultrasound and cleans off my stomach. We all just stare at the doctor in silence. "I'm sorry." He says before leaving the room again.

My heart stops. Almost literally I think. Cameron sighs and hugs me. "Everything's going to be okay." He whispers as he kisses my neck.

Tears brim my eyes and I can't hold them back anymore. I begin crying as the room stays silent. Everyone files out, giving me and Cameron alone time.

"I'll miss you baby."

"Will you? Or are you going to cheat on me again?" I scoff. "No baby I'm going to wait at the house for you. Wait until you're done then I'll come get you." He says rubbing my belly.

"Promise?" He nods and kisses my belly. I can feel the baby kick the spot he kissed. "Cam do it again." This time he kisses a different spot. It takes a second before I feel another kick there.

"The baby's kicking the spot you kiss." He kisses one spot repeatedly. Then, more kicks. I smile and kiss Cameron's lips. He kisses me back and slips his tongue into my mouth.

I pull away. "Ew Cameron!" I slap him playfully. "You'll be okay in there baby. I'll call the hospital and talk to you everyday."

For a split second I had forgotten I was going to be on the fourth floor of the hospital. I frown and kiss Cameron once more.

Everyone comes back in an says their goodbyes. Each one gives me a hug and finally Kian's last. He hugs me tightly before kissing my cheeks.

"Who knew I'd become so close to you." I whisper. He smiles faintly before giving me a final hug. "I'll see you soon." He says before walking out.

Cameron comes back in and glares at Kian as he walks by. "I love you Cameron." I say softly. The doctor comes back in and takes out my IVs. "Ready?" He asks. I nod.

Haley's Pov.

I walk with the doctor through the doors of the 4th floor of the hospital. The place was nearly empty. "Where is everyone?"

"Group counseling." The doctor says before pushing me towards a room. "Change." He tosses an outfit into the room with me. "Here? Now?" The room had windows and cameras.

The perv actually smirks. "Don't make me make you. You won't like it." This was going to be hell without Cameron, and I don't even know how long I'm going to be in here.

(Mental hospitals aren't fun and you don't want to know what they're like so I'm going to skip writing it because sometimes I get emotional about my past... not that I've been in one before but I was pretty damn close and anyway back to the story)

Cameron's Pov.

*8.5 Months Later*

I'm freaking the fuck out. I haven't seen Haley in over 8months. I haven't even left the house at all. We're completely out of food and all I do is keep ordering Chinese. I wanted to be able to take care of her while she was pregnant. She's still stuck in the stupid hospital. I miss her like crazy and the Magcon fans are going insane because we haven't been on tour in a while. Now, I'm laying in bed staring at the ceiling eyes completely bloodshot. I haven't item much sleep. It's hard to sleep without her next to me.

My phone rings an buzzes at the same time. I groan and roll out of bed. I check the caller ID and it's no one I recognize. I decided to answer it anyway.

"Hello?" I say making my raspy voice ring through the phone.

"Mr Dallas, Haley can be picked up."

I check my clock. It's 3 am on the dot. "Ill be there soon." I say before hanging up. I quickly throw some pants and a random t-shirt on. I run down the stairs and grab my keys from the counter effort rushing out the door.

I don't think I've ever ran so fast in my life. I missed her and the first thing I was going to do was hug her so tight the baby girl pops out.

I race to the hospital being sure to keep the pedal to the floor at all times. I took the back roads so the cops wouldn't see me.

As I pull up into the hospital I park close to the doors. I run inside to the elevator. I step in and press the 4th floor button.

When the elevator doors open again I see her standing with her back facing me. She's looking out the windows. Her hair was a little messy as if she's been sleeping.

Haley's Pov.

I turn around slowly to show Cameron my face. My pale dead looking face. I had major dark circles under my eyes and well I just looked dead.

My adventure here was crazy. I didn't like it one bit and I barely got any help. This was an awful experience. Cameron runs to me and hugs me so tight.

"You look awful!" I say standing on my tippy-toes to hug him back. "So do you, but you still look beautiful!" He says against my neck.

I smile and hold his hand tightly in mine. "Take me home so I can take care of you." I whisper. He smiles and takes my hand in his. "Yes, baby."

Dating Him (A Cameron Dallas Story) Book #1Where stories live. Discover now