Seeing An Old Friend

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Cameron's Pov.

I shuffled around a little bit more before opening my eyes. "Good morning beautiful" I said kissing Haley's temple.

She just smiled. I could tell she was still asleep because I could still hear soft little snores coming from her.

I quietly got out of bed. I stretched my arms back and pulled out my phone. I went on twitter and tweeted a picture of Haley still sleeping there.

I tweeted it and it already got 24 favorites 32 retweets and 94 comments. I started scrolling through the comments.

No hate just confused comments.

'Who is she'

'Is that ur new gf'

'Is she just a friend'

'Are u guys friends with benefits'

'Is she just a fan'

And many many more. Today was the last day of Digi Fest. I had three days left to be with Haley. Then we all went home.

I was wondering how we could make this work. She lives in MI I live in Cali. Do long distance relationships last?

I looked up from my phone and looked at her. Perfection. I laid back down next to her and wrapped my arms around her waist pulling closer to me.

"Mmm" she said rolling over in her sleep. "Baby it's time to get up. Time to go meet all your favorite Viners" I said hoping she get up.

"I'm dating my favorite viner I don't think it can get better than that except for sleeping." She replied. Her eyes were still closed.

"Ok fine ill just go hang out with my fans without my girlfriend that they don't know about." I said getting off of the bed and walking into the bathroom. "And I'll have all those girls all over me and my girlfriend won't be there to call me hers and save me from those fans."

"IM UP!" I heard her yell. I smiled and shut the bathroom door. I started the water and stepped into the shower.

Haley's Pov.

"Babe hurry up!" I said banging on the door to the bathroom. "Babe?" Brent said coming into my room. "Oh hey Brent." I said trying to change the subject. None of the guys new Cam and I were dating yet.

"Who's babe. Haley are you dating Cameron. Who's in the bathroom?" Brent questioned drying his wet long hair with a towel.

"Maybe." I said slowly. Just then Cam came out in a towel. "Jesus Christ babe can ya wait two seconds for me to get out" Cam said walking over to his bag.

"I knew it!" Brent said. "I knew you to would end up together" He said smirking at us. Cam whipped around and looked at Brent. I guess he didn't know he was here.

Just then Carter, Taylor, Nash, Justin Castillo, Kian, Jack J, Jack G, Sam, Khaleah, and Aaron came running into my room. Screaming at us I plugged my ears.

"I KNEW IT" Jack J said "NO I KNEW THEY WOULD GET TOGETHER!" Justin Castillo fired back. "IT'S OBVIOUS" Carter yelled. "DUH WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US SOONER?" Aaron yelled. Cam and I stood there plugging our ears.

"ONE AT A TIME!" Cam yelled. We unplugged our ears and everyone quieted down. "Ok well you can answer the mad men while I get in the shower" I said running into the bathroom and shutting the door behind me.

Cameron's Pov.

Haley ran into the bathroom before I could grab her arm and pull her back. "Ok well everyone gets ONE question and Aaron you can start." I said as Carter pouted.

"I WANNA GO FIRST!" Carter shouted. "NO LET ME!" Kian said. "I SHOULD GET TO GO BECAUSE I HAVE MORE SWAG THAN ALL OF YOU!" Jc said with a serious face. "NO HE SAID I GO FIRST!" Aaron argued back.


"Why didn't you tell us?" He asked. "Well I uh... well..." just then Haley came out of the shower in a towel. "Oh good hey why don't you answer questions" I said to Haley.

"Uh why don't y'all get out so I can change?" She asked. "Right" Kian replied walking out first. The rest filed out in a single line. Much calmer than when they came in.

I stayed in the room and went back into the bathroom to do my hair. "Nice try" she said shutting the bathroom door. "What?" I asked.




She opened the door and she was already dressed. "What?" I asked again. "You know what" she said turning around and walking away. I grabbed her waist and pulled her back to me.

"Cammmmm" she whined. I turned her around so she was facing me. My hands were still on her waist. "No what" I asked.

She giggled a little. "What?!?" I said shaking her. "You wanted to see me" she said. I looked at her confused. "naked" she nearly whispered.

I laughed and let go of her. She walked to her bag and got out her makeup and hair stuff. She went into the bathroom and applied some light makeup.

She straightened her hair and I stood there watching her. She glanced over at me while putting in some earrings. "What?" she asked. "Nothing your just so pretty" I said and she smiled.

She came out of the bathroom and grabbed her phone. "Ready?" I asked as I grabbed the key card. She nodded and followed me out the door.






We took the elevator down to the lobby. Everyone was waiting impatiently. "Ok finally!" Nash said getting up from the couch. "Lets go" I said taking Haley's hand in mine and inter winding our fingers.

We all walked out of the door and to our cars. Haley and I went together Sam, Jc, Khaleah, and Trevor went with each other. Kian, Ricky, and Connor were in one car. Shawn, Matt, Brent, Nash, and Hayes went together. Jack G, Jack J, Aaron, Taylor and Carter rode together.

Haley an I got in my car and drove off first. The ride there was quiet. I had one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the center council.

Haley reached over and put her hand on mine. I glanced at her and smiled. She leaned her head against the window and watched outside.

I pulled into the arena where there were millions of girls waiting in line to meet us. I drove around to the back where I was supposed to.

I parked the car and looked over at Haley. She had fallen asleep that fast. With all this noise how. I pulled the keys out of the ignition and put them into my pocket along with my wallet.

I shook her slightly. "Hey gorgeous it's time to get up" I said in a whisper. The rest of the guys pulled up and parked there cars.

I got out and walked to the passenger side. I opened the door and unbuckled Haley. I picked her up and she wrapped her arms around me and snuggles her head into the crook of my neck.

I smiled and carried her into the massive building. The rest of the guys were behind me. When I walked in the first person I saw was my ex...

Dating Him (A Cameron Dallas Story) Book #1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant