Everyone Visits

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Cameron's Pov.

I sit staring at a bawling Haley. I had told her what happened and now she's obviously upset. "I didn't mean to hurt you it all happened so fast."

She cries harder and pulls out all of her IV's. "LET ME DIE!" She screams and I press the emergency button by her bed. "STOP IT!" I scream at her.

Doctors rush in and I immediately leave the room knowing they're gonna make me leave anyway. I wait patiently outside the room.

When the doctors allow me to walk back in I do. I stare at her as she breathes heavily laying there. "I'm so sorry." I whisper.

I kick my shoes off and carefully get onto the bed next to her. "Cameron I don't think you can be on here."

"I don't give a shit. You're my girlfriend and I wanna cuddle you." She smiles and for a while as we cuddle. "I love you." I whisper before falling asleep.

Haley's Pov.

Cameron told me that he had a heated make out session the night I came here, and I guess I've been here a month. Sure I hated him for it but I know he stayed at the hospital the whole time I was out. That's what shows he cares.

He snores softly as I lay awake in the bed. I could tell he didn't get much sleep here. He had looked and smelt awful but I really didn't care right now.

A nurse walks in looking over her clipboard and when she sees Cameron she looks to me. "He isn't supposed to be on the bed with you Miss Cole."

Her voice is snappy. "If you wake him and make him move so help me God I will kill you." She opens her mouth as if to say something but then quickly closed it.

"Yeah that's what I thought." I snapped. I carefully turned around in Cameron's arms so I was facing him. He looked so cute asleep. I leaned in and kissed his lips softly.

He snores lightly which made me smile. I lay there staring at the ceiling for a while.

The doctor walks on and clears his throat. "You have a few visitors Miss Cole." I thought for a second about who it could be. Probably Khaleah, Jc and Ethan.

"Send them in please." The doctor nods and walks out. Later walks in everyone. My eyes widen in surprise and I almost squeal. I put a finger to my lips as everyone files in and then I point to sleepy Cameron.

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They all squeeze in my room. "Hi guys." I whisper and sit up in my bed. Cameron moves his head to my chest, in between my boobs and he snuggles right up to them.

I smile and rub his head causing him to moan (not like while having sex you nastys xD). I continue to rub his head as everyone tries to get comfortable.

"How are you?" Kian asks. I look at him. "Kian if Cameron's sees you here he's gonna beat the living hell out of you."

Kian shrugs. "Seeing you, it'll be worth it." He says. I smile and shift on my bed trying not to wake Cameron. "How are you?" Carter asks.

"I've been better. Cameron had just admitted to having a make out session that happened a month ago when we were fighting. He had left that night and that happened but he hasn't left the hospital and I can tell he feels bad enough so we're okay right now I guess."

"How's the baby?" I look at Carter who spoke up. Carter always had the hots for me. Ever since I bought him food way back when Magcon was still together.

I rub my belly a little. "I don't know." Them as if he heard us the doctor walks in. "We'd like to do a check up on the baby." He says then looks at Cameron.

"I know he's not supposed to be up here but let him sleep please." I move Cameron's hand off of my belly and lift my shirt. "We can do it around him."

He wsighs heavily before getting out some gel and the machinery.

Will the baby be okay? Will Cameron see Kian and get into a brawl? Will Haley and Cameron work things out? Find out next chapter coming soon! (Hopefully)

Dating Him (A Cameron Dallas Story) Book #1Where stories live. Discover now