Staying With Khaleah

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Haley's Pov.

I put my hood up and stood facing the door. I put my hand on the knob and turned it. I opened the door and walked outside.

I was off and ready to face the world.


I walked for what seemed like forever. I had a map and everything but it got to hard to read because it was pouring rain outside so everything just smeared together.

I threw it on the ground on frustration. My shoes were soaked and I was freezing. I needed a place to stay. That was my main focus. I checked the time on my watch. It read 8:39 I've been walking for almost an hour.

I tried hitch hiking a ride but didn't get any takers. I walked a little further down the abandon road before a car stopped. They rolled the window down.

I stopped and looked into the car there was sitting my friend Khaleah. "Rough day?" she asked I nodded. "Get in gurrrrrlllll" I opened the door to her mustang and jumped in.

She must've known I was freezing because she turned the heat on high. "So you had enough" she said glancing at me then looking back at the road.

"Yea, she beat me again" I said taking off my damp hoodie. She just nodded and turned onto her road. She lived in a huge country house by herself.

"Your more than welcome to stay with me girl" she said. I looked at her and said "thanks your a true friend"

She really was a good friend she told me about what was going on in the Internet world. What. things were cool. She bought me stuff. I loved her we were basically sisters.

She opened her garage door and pulled into her driveway. She parked the car in her garage and took out the keys.

We both got out and she unlocked the door. I've spent the night before so I knew where everything was. She even had a room for me just in case.

I took off my sneakers and threw my stuff on the couch. "I'm gonna go take a shower" I said walking up the stairs. She set the keys on the counter and said "alright"

I walked into the room she had for me. It was big and filled with blues and greens. It had a king sized bed, a dresser to match the wood color of the bed frame (which is white), a vanity to match the dresser, a bunch of posters of Magcon, a huge walk in closer and a master bathroom.

I walked into the bathroom and got undressed. I grabbed a towel from the bottom drawer of the counter. I placed it next to the shower. I opened the shower sliding door and stepped in.

I turned on the warm water and started to scrub my body.

Khaleahs Pov.

I say on the couch and waited for Haley to get out of the shower. I was really excited because I got her a present. I got her an iPhone.

I knew that. She took long showers so I turned on the tv and watched one of my favorite shows Honey BooBoo. I thought it was really stupid but funny.

"Oh shit" I said to myself I forgot to get the mail. I got off the couch and walked outside. Now it was really raining we were having a storm for sure.

I looked into the mailbox and pulled out the mail. Then I walked back inside. As I was skimming through I found a letter from Chino Hills CA.

I was thinking.

~Flash Back~

"Lol girl write that down" Haley said as I wrote 'we love you so much' onto the piece of paper. We were writing a letter to Cameron Dallas. We were insane. "Like he's actually gonna send us tickets lets send him a pic of us!" I suggested. Haley nodded and she grabbed our photo book. We looked through each pic and found the best one. This is what it read....

Dear Cameron,
Hi we are huge fans of yours! We love Magcon and your our favorite. We wish we could come but sadly have no tickets. Oh well. Your the best thing that's ever happened to us, you and everyone else in Magcon! We love you so much and maybe one day we will meet!

Love, Haley and Khaleah

We put it in the envelope and sent the letter off.

~Flash Back Ends~

That was a year ago. I was thinking to myself should I open it or wait for Haley. I'm gonna wait. I looked through the rest of the mail as I waited.

Haley's Pov.


I hopped out of the shower and dried off. I got dressed and walked down stairs where I saw Khaleah impatiently waiting for someone or something.

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