The House

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Haley's Pov.

** 7 Months later **

My eyes are blinded by the blindfold Cameron put on me. "I can't see." I giggle as he leads me to wherever he's taking me.

So far Cameron an I have been staying in an apartment since the wedding.

"We're here." he whispers in my ear. An takes the blindfold off. To my surprise I see a huge ass house in front of me.

"It's ours." He whispers in my ear. My mouth drops in shock. "CAMERON!" I scream and hug him. "How much did it cost?!"

The house itself looked like it could cost a fortune. "Enough." He said and escorts me inside.

It already had furniture and everything set up. "Cammy when'd you do this?" He smiles and pushes be against a bare wall. "I did it in my spare time." He says before his lips attack mine hungrily.

"I hate it when you're pregnant." Cameron smiles as I wrap my legs around him.

"You're sex drive goes crazy." Our lips meet again and he carries me up a set of stairs. Into a room we go and we fall backwards into the bed.

We you can assume what happens next. BAM BAM.

I wake up with two strong arms around me. I quietly an slowly straddle him. As I run my hands up and down his rock hard abs I kiss his chest lightly.

I look up and hear him groan in his low sexy voice. I kiss his chest a couple more times and he opens his eyes. "Morning babe" he says raspy.

"It's not the morning. It's actually only 7." He smiles showing his perfect white teeth. "What?" I ask. "Nothing you're just so perfect. I love you." He says pulling me down to him and kisses me.

"Come on baby I'll make us dinner."

"Naked?" He asks. Of course he's gonna ask that he's a guy. "Sure but just for you." I kiss his cheek and get up going downstairs. He follows me to the kitchen and I get out a skillet.

"What do you want for dinner?" I ask while swaying my hips. He whips me around and kisses me roughly. "You." He whispers. "Again?"

"Oh Haley, I wanna fuck you everywhere in this house. Let's start with the island." He picks me up and places me on the island in the middle of the kitchen. While spreading my legs apart he goes to work and well. BAM BAM.

As I clean the island counter my phone goes off. it's Khaleah. I quickly press answer just as Cameron takes my phone.

"Hello?" I whine an try to take m phone back. "Babyyyy" "make dinner." He mouths to me.

I turn around and strain the noodles. "Please." I whimper and get out the chicken from the oven. The chicken was covered in this delicious gravy sauce and baked in a pan full of the gravy sauce.

I set the table and place the food at the table as Cameron continues to talk to Khaleah. "Why don't you guys come over for dinner. Haley made a wonderful meal and there's extra."

They exchange more small talk before he hangs up. I sit down at the table. "I'm naked."

"Then you better go get your fine ass dressed because they're coming over."

"But like nothing fits me anymore."

"I know you're about to pop and have our healthy baby girl I hope."

"She will be healthy Cammy." I take his hand reassuringly before heading upstairs. Once upstairs I throw on some sweats and a shirt not bothering to put on a bra.

Cameron's Pov.

The doorbell rings and I answer the door. "Hello friends." I say cheesily. Jc laughs and steps inside with Khaleah and baby Ethan.

"It smells delicious!" Khaleah exclaims. "Thanks." My attention goes to Haley coming down the stairs.

"It didn't take long at all and it's super easy." She smiles and sits at the table. Everyone else takes their seats. "You look like a balloon!" Jc says making small talk.

Haley smiles and I put my hand on her thigh. Everyone watches as Jc load his plate high. Khaleah smacks his arm playfully.

"That's okay. There's enough." I say as I get Haley's foods or her.


All of a sudden, when we're all eating, sound of water dripping to the floor comes to our attention. Everyone freezes and looks at Haley.

"The baby..." she whispers. "THE BABY!" She screams in panic. I quickly get up and get her shoes. Jc grabs her coat and gives it to her.

She breathes hard and weird as I carry her out the door to the truck.

Dating Him (A Cameron Dallas Story) Book #1Where stories live. Discover now