Waking Up (NOT THE END!)

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Haley's Pov.

I add my bright red lipstick and finish curling my hair. A little blush never hurts so I add some and then add eyeliner with a little wing.

When I finish putting mascara on I grab my clutch and slip into my black heels. Before going downstairs I put my dress down a bit showing a little bit of my breasts.

Khaleah's Pov.

Haley comes down the stairs looking as beautiful as ever. "You look hot!" I smile. "Oh whatever." I laugh. "Come on." I say as she walks out the door.

"Jc were leaving." I holler before I shut the door. "what club?" I ask. "The one Cam and I went to." I smile and shakes my head. "Why don't you two just go out again?" I ask.

"Because." She says as I start the car. "he's with mahogany." I laugh and drive to the club.


Haley's Pov.

When we arrive the place is jumping. Music is pumping. We can hear it from outside. We skip to the front of the line because I know the bouncer. Chad.

I kiss his cheeks an go in with Khaleah. People are dancing everyone. One guy throws up and girds take him out. "IM GETTING A DRINK!" I yell over the loud music.

Khaleah nods and follows me to the bar. "Two shots of tequila." I order. I flash him my "ID" and he gets the shots.

Than you Carter. We both down the drinks and laugh as we talk. "LETS HIT THE DANCE FLOOR!" She screams over the music. I nod and we both go out on the floor.

We dance to the beat of the music. Us being us we laugh and talk and dance. I feel someone's hands go around my waist.

Strong hands grip my waist and we grind. I'm not even sure who it is. When I turn around I see a talk blondie about Cameron's height. Maybe a little shorter.

"AM I GETTIN LUCKY TONIGHT?" He winks. I can't find any words. "SORRY SHES WITH ME." Someone comes up from behind me and wraps there arm around me.

The feelings familiar. I don't even have to look to see who it is. "And you are?" Blondie asks. "Cameron Dallas her boyfriend." I smile at the sound of his name.

The guy slowly back away. I hug him tight. His hand slowly rubs my back. "I'm gonna get a drink." I say in his ear. He nods and finds Khaleah as I head to the bar.

"Give me the strongest thing you've got." I flash my ID and he makes me a big drink. I drink it all and as I sit there I make small talk with the bartender.

I feel nausea. I'm definitely drunk right now. "Get me two rounds of tequila shots." Once more I flash my ID.

What the hell am I doing. I can't stop myself. I down the shots and it burns my throat. I go back out in the dance floor and dance my little white ass off.

What am I doing I'm way too drunk right now. I check the clock on my phone. 11:47. Holy shit time flies by when your having fun.

17 and I'm already drinking. It was only this night though. My vision becomes blurry. What's happening to me.

Khaleahs pov.

I walk out of the club with a girl named Courtney. We laugh out loud. I don't know where Haley went so I'm going home alone. It's late and last time I saw she was with Cameron.

What if she's not though. I'm drunk and I have no control over my actions. I get in my car and say bye to Courtney before driving home.

Jc's Pov.

I put Ethan to bed late. "Shit." She's not home yet and I'm worried about her. Just then she comes in through the door and instantly I smell alcohol.

I glare at her. "Were you drinking?" I ask. She shakes her head and hiccups. "Yea. Right." I grab her hand and take her upstairs to bed. I push her lightly with one finger an she falls back onto the bed.

"Clothes off." I say helping her get her dress off. I take her heels off and get her some Advil. She'll feel everything tomorrow. "Take this." I hand her the Advil and a glass of water.

She hesitates but takes it.

Ethan's Pov.

One sheep.

Two sheep.

Three sheep.

This is stupid I don't wanna count sheep.

One turd.

Two turds.

Three turds.

ZzZzZzZz I fall asleep. ZzZzZzZz

Haley's Pov.

I wake up the next morning naked cuddling Cameron in a hotel room. I smile but then frown.

What happened last night. My head pounds. It feels like someone's hitting me with a hammer. In the head.

I lay my head on his chest and smile. I had a feeling we banged. Why is my butt so sore. I get up and go to the mirror.

I turn around and look at my butt and gasp. "Shit!" I whisper. It's red like a tomato. "Well good morning." I turn around and Cameron isn't tiring up in bed.

I run to him and get under the covers with him. "Daddy what happened last night?" I ask.

"Lay on your belly." He says. I do as in told and he gets some lotion rubbing my butt. I flinch and bite my lip. It stings.

"Well you went clubbing and got drunk and I took you back here with me. I spanked you because you drank and got drunk and BAM BAM."

I smile and snuggle into him when he's finished rubbing my butt. "What about Mahogany?" I ask.

He shrugs. "I don't love her." He says simply. "Daddy we can be together when you have a baby on the way. Especially when it's due in a little bit."

He sighs. "I just wanna be with you not her." He kisses me. "Did you use a condom?" I ask. He nods. Part of me is glad he used one but anther part of me is sad.

"I have to go Cameron. Khaleah will be upset if I'm not home." He pouts and holds me to him sp I can't get up. "Don't leave me." He whispers.

"Sorry." I manage to get out of his grip and get up. I slip on a pair of his boxers he braught and shorts. I put my bra and shirt on.

"What am I going to wear?" He asks. "Your pants and your shirt." I giggle. He smiles and shakes his head.

"Alright." He gets up and gets dressed. I go into the bathroom and use his toothebrush. "Babe are you just using all of my stuff?" I nod and spit out the toothepaste. I rinse my mouth and quickly wipe it with the towel as he packs up his stuff.

"Did you just use my toothbrush?" He asks. I shake my head innocently. "Do you know what happens when you lie to your daddy?" He asks.

"I get spanked." I stare down at the floor. He nods and walks to me towering over me.

I look up and bite my lip.

Khaleah's Pov.

"So prom is this weekend." I say eating a piece of toast. Jc nods. "And?" He asks. I get frustrated and go up to Ethan's room. He's asleep.

Dating Him (A Cameron Dallas Story) Book #1Where stories live. Discover now