Noticing how upset the smaller was getting, Ian pulled him onto his lap and held him close. A small smile twitched at Ben's lips before falling as he continued, "Th-then it got worse." He paused again to wipe a tear off his cheek, "I started doing it when I didn't need it. I... I cut for fun. Th-that's where all these came from," he gestured to his torso, "I... hate that I did this, Ian. I hate how it looks and I hate all the memories they keep with me and I hate younger me for starting all this. I..." Ben let out a deep, shaky breath and Ian held him closer. The older rubbed circles onto the other's back and wiped away the tears that were stating to streak down his face.

Ben sniffled, "I should of just told someone. I should of just sucked it up and told someone, anyone, what was happening but... but I didn't and now I'm addicted to it." Yet another pause and a sniffle, "I... I still do it, Ian. I don't remember a time in my life when I didn't do it and that scares me, but I just can't stop. I try and I try and I try to stop but I can't. I still give in every now and then and have to cut. Th-that's where the ones on my sides come from... I only do it once every now and then, but they're still there. I...I've even done it here a couple times a-and I'm sorry but I can't help it... I really, really can't." The last word was chocked out as his crying took over, forcing him to stop spilling his feelings.

Ian wrapped his arms around Ben and let him cry on his shoulder until he was okay.

"D-do you still wanna keep the promise?" Even though the tears had stopped, Ben's voice still sounded impossibly small and fragile.


"Do you still... wanna be my boyfriend?"

"Of course I do. I love you and none of this changes that. You're still the same dork I fell in love with." Ian smiled at the younger before pressing a kiss to his forehead.

Ben smiled back at him, a true genuine smile, the kind you don't see often from people.

"I love you, too" Ben almost sounded like he was about to cry again.

Ian pulled him into a kiss and calmed him back down. He gave the smaller a slight smirk as he looked at him, "How about I show you just how much I love you?"

"Wha-?" Ben cut himself off and blushed as the realization of what the words meant hit him.

"Would you like that?"

Red faced, Ben nodded.

"Good," Ian pulled him in for a passionate kiss. Ben kissed back and made a small sound of disappointment as Ian pulled away. Though, it was only far enough to take a breath and he quickly pressed their lips back together.

This time, Ian dragged his tongue across Ben's lips. It didn't take long for Ben to open his mouth and let Ian in. The older explored his lover's mouth for what certainly wasn't the first time and made sure to run his tongue over all of the most sensitive spots. Ben softly moaned into his mouth and arched his back a bit as hands ran over his bare chest.

The kiss was broke by a need for air and they both breathed hard. A moment later, they were ready for more and Ian pressed another kiss to Ben's lips. It was passionate and needy and felt amazing. Ian pulled away to press a quick kiss to the others lips before begging to trail little, passionate kisses down to Ben's neck.

He kissed Ben's neck a couple times before moving to nip at the sensitive skin. Ben gasped and Ian smiled as he did it again. He did it once more before biting onto his lover's neck and gently sucking. Feeling like he had made a good enough mark and satisfied with Ben's moan, he let go and smiled at the small spot. He bit next to it and made a bigger hickey. Ben moaned as each new mark was made and gasped as he felt Ian bite an extra sensitive spot.

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