Chapter Thirteen- A new prison

Comenzar desde el principio

"My personal life is of no concern to you" he stated as he head in another section of the room.

"Well somebody is touchy, don't think a girl like that would want a bastard like you anyway" I fumed, crossing my arms.

"I'm not gone Ms Redfield, you should check your surroundings before you speak" came Wesker's voice.

I covered my mouth immediately, Wesker re entering the room with a tray of food and a glass of water. When he placed the tray next to me I looked to see that in a small bowl there were also two white capsules.

"Eat and take those" he stated and I stared at the capsules for a moment before looking at him.

"And watch some hideous creature make it's way through my stomach? Or worst watch my body melt to nothing like that guy...I think I'll pass" I stated, eyeing the pills.

He gave me a look, me swallowing. I knew that look too well.

"That wasn't a request huh?" I asked.

"So your brain isn't as hard as it seems. The pills will make you sleep, one of its many sides effects" he stated and my eyes went wide.

What the...

"Many? What is that supposed to mean?" I asked and instead of answering the blond bastard adjusted his sunglasses and left the room.

Looking to see if he had really left the room I decided to air my insult.

"Asshole!" I hissed.


The depressing hymn was what woke me up, my lashes batting as I tried to ease up. Who the hell listens music like that?

The hand resting on my forehead prevented me from easing up however. A man in white staring at me.

Why was the place so cold? How did I get here?

I looked around to see that I was wearing nothing but my birthday suit.

"We came as soon as we heard " came a voice I knew. My brother's voice.

I looked to the door frame to see him and his girlfriend. She was crying and he didn't look quite far from crying either.

Boy was I glad to see them, at least they could explain what the hell was going on here.

"Chris!" I yelled but Chris didn't even give me some form of induction to prove that he had heard me. He stared down at me and I yelled his name.

Again, nothing.

"Is this your sister Mr Redfield?" The man holding my forehead asked. I tried sitting up but I couldn't move. It was thought I was paralyzed.

"That's her" Chris stated on broken voice, me yelling louder this time as Jill sobbed.

"Okay just sign this Mr and Ms Redfield, I know this is hard but thanks for your cooperation" the man dresses in white stated and tears welled in my eyes.

I was dead? I was lying on a bed in the morgue so I had to be dead.

"Chris! I'm right here! Why can't you hear me!" I sobbed, the man taking the documents from Chris and Jill.

"I think I'm going to sit this part out" Jill stated and Chris nod, releasing his girlfriend who covered her mouth with her hands.

A cold knife met my skin, my insides gradually coming into view while I felt no pain. I screamed before everything went black.

I woke up in daylight, my hands touching the glass above me. I looked around me to see dirt, only to hear talking and sobbing.

Flowers of all kinds fell onto the glass above me. I screamed, this could not be happening. First a morgue then this?

If I didn't know better I'd say I'm witnessing my very own funeral. Slamming my fist against the glass with the intention of breaking it I yelled.

"You are all making a mistake ! I'm alive!" I yelled, two men with a shovel coming into veiw.

"Why didn't they take me instead!" Chris yelled, Jill who was crying tightening her hold on him.

"Chris no! Im alive! I'm alive!" I yelled, trying to pry the coffin open. My hand went right through as dirt came down from above.


I stared at my hand in horror, more dirt coming down until I could not longer see a thing.

I opened my eyes immediately, sweat on my face and body as I stared above me. My eyes relaxed a bit even though my chest still rise and fall rapidly.

Wesker stared down at me, his face emotionless as usual while he toyed with my messy red hair.

"Just a dream miss Redfield" he stated as his fingers combed my hair.

With moist eyes I sat up, crawling next to him as I hugged onto him. Wesker stiffened at my chest, his hand combing my hair still.

I pressed my face to his chest, moisture leaving my eyes. There is so much I truly wish to understand.

"Please say that again" I begged, my tears soaking his shirt. His hand went back to my hair, his lips pressing to the top of my head.

"Just a dream" he repeated in a tone little softer than before.

What a terrible thing to dream huh? Wesker seems to be comforting her though😌

Or is he really?

Gear up for your Leon Chapter guys 😊😊

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