The Escratta Familla ♔

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-Primo's office-

"The Enemy has broken through the second line of defence!!"

Giotto heard the man yelled, he could hear him panicking around the hallway. He turn to the window behind him to see a part of the battlefield taking place.

He can understand him since Alaude's defence system are supposedly unbreakable- but not anymore.

No way... Alaude's defence lines are broken through not onces but twice!?! It's impossible

Giotto thought but quickly dismiss it as he heard footsteps approaching the door to the office, he ready myself to attack whoever that comes through but his intuition told him it's not the enemy,

then the door open,

or rather broke into pieces.

"Giotto! are you alright?"

said two voices now revealed two mans in mid-120 years old : G, His best friend and Storm Guardian. With Ugetsu Asari, his Rain Guardian, behind him.

"Oh Please! Stop destroying doors every time you got the chance! I do not want extra Paperwork to deal with when there's literally a war going on outside!"

"HEY! don't forget about ORE-sama!!!"

A mysterious voice called out but soon identify as Giotto's Lightning Guardian, Lampo in his early twenty.

"Shut up you brat can't you see what's happening here!? Go out there and protect the mansion you IDOIT!" yelled G pointing to some random window "b..but" Lampo said softly, frighten at G anger.

"I'm alright G..Asari. Now tell me what happening around and in the mansion, also who's attacking the mansion" Giotto asked,

he was not informed of any disputes between any family in Italy. So why are they attacked now?

"The enemy is Escratta Family" said G in a firm voice. "What! them? you mean the family who kept ambusing us non-stop? I though they stop attacking when we reach an agreement?"

Seriously. This is getting too old. Why can't that family learn to give up?

"It seem that they thought they could get away with it... I think that it is related to the rumor going on about the family." Asari said thinking hard of a reason for Giotto and G.

"What make you think about that flute-freak"

"Oh~ Ahah! So G is interested to listen, this is the first time. "

"Why you little-"

"Language! G. Please Asari, 1can you explan? and what of a rumor?"

"There's been a rumor going around that the Escratta Family has been doing a experiment or a weapon you could say but there is no evidence about it,"

-so they sign a alliance to avoid further suspicion... since they are famous for making unimaginable inventions, looks like they plan it beforehand-

" I also think it is the reason why that family always come back to the battlefield that we left behind when we were ambushed, this battle is probably because..."

Asari trailed off, eyes smiling as his expression turned serious.

-because...?- both G and Giotto thought.

"because they want our carriage to go to somewhere and now wanted revenge beacause we misunderstood"

-the first two fits in the puzzle but definitely not the third. But why do they always return to the battleground? that's odd-

"You Idoit! that last line was definitely not needed! so quit fooling around you Flute-Freak!" 

"mah~mah~ come on G I'm just joking"

Asari smiled happily with no care in the world. As I'd there wasn't any war happening in their own backyard.

Heart of a CloneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora