"When I'm done with you, you won't be able to walk." He says into my ear then he chuckles darkly. I shiver.

He pushes into me hard and starts going even faster.

"Ugh Austinnn" I moan loudly.

He starts going even faster and I scream. The headboard is hitting the wall hard. It hurt so bad but I wasn't going to tell Austin, he probably already knows.

Austin thrusts into me a few more times. He goes really fast and hard, and I cum all over him. He released into the condom he's wearing and he pulls out of me.

Austin lays next to me and takes my hand in his. We're both panting.

"I love you" I say breathing heavily.

"I love you too" Austin says.

He kisses me softly and then he gets up from the bed.

I lay there in the bed for another minute then I get up from the bed. Austin gives me my underwear and his sweatpants that I was wearing. I walk over to the bed to sit down.

Austin was right. It hurts so much to walk.

I get dressed and then Austin comes out of the bathroom. He's wearing sweatpants and a tanktop & he just puts on a beanie so he doesn't have to deal with his hair.

He walks over to me and looks down. I look up at him and he reaches his hand down. I take his hand and he pulls me up.

He starts walking out the bedroom holding my hand. We walk downstairs and we walk to the living room.

"It hurts so bad." I whine.

Austin smirks at me and says,
"I told you that you wouldn't be able to walk."

He slaps my ass hard with his hand and I push him away from me jokingly.

We sit down on the couch and watch tv for a few minutes, and then there's a knock on the door.

Who would be knocking on Austin's door?

Austin walks over to the door and I walk behind him. He opens the door to find the guys standing there with suitcases.

"What are you guys doing here?" Austin asks them surprised. I'm surprised to see them too.

"We came to give you back a few of the things you left at my house, and your mom invited us to come here & stay with you until you leave on tour Austin." Alex says.

"Alright cool!" Austin says.

We all walk back into the living room and we sit on the couch. Austin pulls me down onto his lap again and I groan because my ass hurts. I hear Austin chuckle and I turn around to look at him. He smirks and I just turn back around blushing.

"What's wrong Talia?" Robert asks.

"Um nothing." I say blushing.

Robert looks at Austin and looks back at me. He smirks too and I feel really awkward right now.

I move around on Austin's lap and I feel him get hard under me.

"Why did you have to do that baby?" Austin whisper seductively into my ear. I shiver and I hear him laugh.

We decide to go into the kitchen to find something to eat. It's getting late.
We decide to order Chinese food and it's going to be delivered in a little while. Austin comes up behind me and slaps my butt.

"Ow! Austin!" I say turning around.

He smirks at me and I lean up on my toes to whisper in his ear.

"Okay Austin, I know that you know my ass hurts from you fucking me, but you have to stop. The guys are right here." I whisper in his ear then I lean away from him.

He says "Okay babe" then he winks.

"What are you two talking about?" The guys ask when I turn back around.

"Nothing" I say then I walk away from them & go back into the living room.

Austin's P.O.V.

I admit to the guys what Talia and I just did right before they got there. They all joke around with me about it then we all walk into the living room.
I sit down on the couch next to Talia and wrap my arm around her waist.

The guys start joking around with Talia about it and Talia stares at me with a death glare.

I joke around with her about it too and she slaps me, right across my cheek. I can't believe she just slapped me. She gets up quickly and runs upstairs. She's mad at me.

I look at the guys holding my cheek and they say "Good luck." I get up and run up the stairs after Talia.

I run into my room to see Talia with her head face down in a pillow on my bed. She screams into the pillow and I walk over to the bed and sit down next to her.

So I hope you guys liked this long chapter ;)

Vote and Comment please :)


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