"I... hmm," I cut myself off, unable to refute any of what she was saying, though I admittedly wanted to deny it.

"Don't stress too hard on it. It's just something for you to think about," she laughed.

"Ugh, we're finally here!" Jaya groaned, almost seeming to drag herself onto the station's platform.

"Yeah, I gotta admit that my body aches from being inside there for so long. Those cushions were like frickin' rocks!" Fira complained.

"Yeah, it really was uncomfortable," Ciara added.

"It wasn't that bad. All of you still slept like babies didn't you?" Alva snickered.

We strolled across the restored wooden flooring, glancing around as I continued to debate our next move. The Olde Dryad Station was connected directly to Barington, which was regarded as the main town here in the region of the mountain range despite being rather small and uninspired compared to those places which fell under the jurasdiction of Zephyr and many of the other Elemental Clans. Barington placed a heavy focus on tourism which was expected, given that the town often served merely as a point of rest for people travelling between some of the larger cities. The remaining civilizations  in the area was constituted by small settlements further in the mountains, atop the plateaus or within the minor valleys.

I had figured our best course of action was to begin our investigations right here in essentially the hub of the region and sooner or later, it was sure to lead us closer to Xyder but our fairly large group consisting of Alva, Satella, Storm, Fira, Rydia, Jaya, Ciara, Naomi and myself was far from inconspicuous and we definitely garnered alot of attention. It became clear that we should split up, not only to reduce the likelihood of being discovered but also to cover more ground at a more efficient rate.

We were preparing to make this transition when we luckily happened upon what could only be described as a miracle. An old woman stood at the corner with a banner professing her beliefs and urging people to turn to God.

"Go to Him! Call His name! Beg the Lord for your forgiveness and pray to Him to absolve you of your sins! Heed my warning, the Devil is upon us! The end is nigh! The wicked king is here to reap our souls! We can only be saved through the Father! Through God! Ask him to shower you with his blessings before the day of destruction arrives!" she shouted.

We had intended to walk past her without a second thoughts but her next line had grabbed my attention.

"The Devil and his concunine of four gypsies passed through this very town only days ago! We are all doomed! Our days are numbered!" she squealed.

I screeched to a halt and stepped backwards to approach her, much to the surprise of my allies.

"Excuse me," I called to her.

"What do you need son?!"she screeched.

"What was that you were saying about the Devil?" I enquired.

"No one believes me but it's true!" she yelled, "The Devil passed through here not so long ago! I saw 'im with my own eyes I did! He appeared just as the stories said! The most handsome man, dressed in the most formal wear who could charm any and bend any to his will but I saw through his ploy! He reeked of evil and malice! His red and golden eyes were filled with hatred and anger and his red hair was the embodiment of hellfire! He had four girls with him and I remember them clearly! I felt sorry for them! I knew they must have been taken in by the Devil's trickery before they even knew it! Such beautiful girls, with their pretty pink, striking blonde, sharp green and pure white hair! They are lost to the devil! Oh the tragedy!"

"Man, she's insane," a passing man whispered.

"Absolutely crazy. I feel bad for her," a woman agreed.

Given her eccentric persona, I could see how people would believe this lady to be nothing more than a mad woman but I knew... she saw something. She witnessed something no one else did. My allies had caught on by this point too and were eargerly awaiting what she would say next.

"That's terrible!" I feigned horror, "Where did that Devil go?! Not here I hope! I would want to stay far away!"

"He isn't here anymore son! I saw him! He took those girls and headed through the eastern gate and followed the path towards the old milling village! No one goes there except the people who live there! It doesn't matter though! Once he strikes, he will take the whole world! We are dooooooooooooooomed!"

As the old woman went into a futher series of rants, I hurried back to where the others were waiting.

"I'm sure of it! Xyder headed East! We have to get there now!" I declared.

"Ugh... are we there yet?" Jaya sighed as we trudged along the rocky, steep, hillside path.

"I can't go any longer!" Ciara exhaled heavily.

"Don't worry, we're almost there. According to the information I got from the bartender, we should see it as soon as we reach the top of this hill," I assured them.

"Seriously?!" Ciara lit up.

"Let's go! Rest and relaxation!" Jaya piped up as she and Ciara bolted the rest of the way apparently reinvigorated by the thought of their journey's end.

"Girls! Be careful! .......Or not," Naomi warned, murmering to herself when they ignored her.

"They can have their fun if it fires them up this much," I chuckled.

"I guess," Naomi said reluctantly.

Jaya and Cirar continued to the top at a rapid pace bearing wide grins but this all changed the moment the arrived at the apex and looked over. Immediately, worry and confusion overcome them and it was evident, even to us.

"Hey! What's up!" I questioned loudly.

"Y-you guys have to see this!" Jaya responded. The rest of us shot ourselves to the top using our elements to propel us while I carried Naomi. The instant I landed I immediately understood their reaction.

Where a peaceful, quiet village should have existed now lay piles of scattered debris, burning remains of half-fallen buildings and the distinct smell... of blood!

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