“Why not?" I ask as I put on my seatbelt Sam and I wait in the auto shop car park until puck texts Sam his address for his house. Once we got the text we made our way to the destination. On our way we’re discussing how tonight’s going to play out. I explained that I still haven’t forgiven puck to Sam and he surprisingly agreed.

When we got to Puck and Santana’s house the only thing I could say was WOW they live in like  mansion. Who would’ve thought, I’m not saying I didn’t have big expectations of the two of them but I didn’t know they were this wealthy.

“Who knew that puck was rich?” I heard Sam saying

“Well if he’s rich he better have good wine, it’s been a long day.” I make my way down the concrete on the front yard, little plants on the right hand side running along it. I take a deep breath and look at Sam. He nods with a slight smile; I take that as my queue to knock, so I do. Let the night begin!

(Picture of the house is attached)

We wait a moment for someone to answer the door for us; Puck soon answers the door and shakes Sam’s hand. He looks at me before leaning over to give me a hug. I eventually give in and spread my arms out.

“Santana’s just in the kitchen” he says as we walk down the hall

We make our way into the kitchen and the first think I saw was a beautifully skinny dark haired girl and I knew I would have to ask Santana how she stayed so beautiful.

“Well, well, well isn’t it little Berry” she chuckles as she runs towards me

In high school Santana and I never really liked each other. It was when I found out that she slept with Finn that I really despised her. But once graduation came along we soon discovered that maybe we could try being friends. Months after I just moved to New York we kept in touch but as soon as both our lives got busier we unfortunately lost contact.

“I’ve missed you so much” I whisper while hugging her

“Same here, dinner is nearly ready so please make yourself at home and puck will fix you a drink”

She offered to take my coat and purse and I agreed gratefully. While Santana was preparing dinner puck took us on a tour of the home. When we were upstairs I noticed there was a lot of rooms, he showed us every single one except the one down the hall

“What’s this room Noah?” I ask walking towards the door, reaching my hand for the handle. He quickly runs towards me and slaps my hands away

“WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP SLAPING MY HANDS AWAY, I DON’T HAVE A DIEASE AND IT REALLY HURTS!!!” I really didn’t need to yell but what can I see I’m a diva.

“It’s Santana’s friends’ room. She’s really serious on who goes in her room” he seems like he’s panicking. I scoff and roll my eyes as I walk down the stairs to see if Santana needed any help.

“Rach, can you help me with the salad, just put the dressing on” I nod and go over to the fridge and pick out the Italian salad dressing. I ask her if it was the right one and when she nods I open it up and start to pour some of it on the salad.

“So your friend didn’t mind that we were coming here?” I ask Santana I can’t help being curious.

“What are you talking about Rachel?” something’s fishy now!!

“oh, puck said that you have a friend staying her and he said that she didn’t want us to come over for dinner, personally I think that’s a little rude she doesn’t even now us!” I say picking up and eating a piece of lettuce from the salad bowl

“Oh yea her, um sorry about her she’s just really shy” she mumbles avoiding eye contact with me

“So where is she now?” I ask

“Out with friends” why do I have a feeling like she’s lying to me? I decide to drop this subject and continue preparing dinner

“Salad’s done!!” I announce

A couple of minutes later we’re all sitting down and eating a lovely meal. We talked about old times and we listen to pucks stupid jokes that aren’t even really funny. Santana remembers what my favourite wine was so of course I had a few glasses, which meant i had to got to the bathroom a few times!

“Excuse me for a moment” I say walking up the stairs to use the bathroom. As I make my way there I can’t help but stare at Santana’s friends room, it just feels odd

Once I wash done with my business I wash my hands and open the door to leave. As I’m walking over to the stairs I hear a male voice coming from san’s friend’s room. I turn around and I see puck about to open the door with a plate of food.

“Puck what are you doing?” I ask

“I’m giving food to Santana’s friend” he shrugs

“But Santana said that she wasn’t home” I see his face slightly drops

“Yea I know, but when she gets back she might be hungry” I knew that was a lie but I really didn’t want to fight with him. I just want to enjoy this night.

When I make my way back to the table I hear Santana and Sam whispering about something I try to listen but Sam catches me and stops talking.

“Sorry” I apologise while I sit back in my seat.

A couple of minute’s later puck comes back from upstairs

“Wow, even though she wasn’t there you sure took a long time up there.” I snap at him

“I had to clean her room a little it was a mess!”

“I never pinned you as a neat freak” i give him a death stare 

“OK!” Sam says trying to break the tension.

“How about I clean these dishes and we can watch a couple of movies” Santana tries to help Sam.

“I’ll help!” I politely say

While the two men went into the living room to watch some TV, Santana and I start to wash the dishes. She was too invested in her storytelling to realise that she has spilt some wine that was in a glass all over my dress.

“Shit Rach, I’m so sorry” she grabs a kitchen towel and gently dabs the stain.

“Its fine do you have any clothes I could borrow?”

“Yea just go upstairs and grab whatever you want”

I walk up the stairs and try to remember where puck said his and Santana’s room was. Once I remember I open the door to the room and I had to laugh a little, trust Santana to have a big ass closet.

I run my hands along her clothes and can’t help but smile, they’re all so beautiful and classy, she’s really grown up. But then again haven’t we all?

I find a dress that I just fell in love with,i  take it to the bathroom to put it on. Once I slipped into the dress I looked into the mirror and did a once over.

I hear a faint noise coming from outside the room and I choose to ignore it. I pick up my dirty clothes from the ground and when I’m done I open the door and walk out to go downstairs. But I was immediately stopped in my tracks when I heard a voice from behind

 “You know I prefer you better as a Brunette”

Sorry for the cliffhanger but i promise i'll update soon.

Don't worry some finchel stuff is coming up very soon 

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