Abel walked outside to the deck and pulled out his phone. Selena was cuddling with her friend Elie while watching a movie when his phone went off. He checked it before answering it.

Elie: Hello?

Abel: Elie man I'm going fucking crazy. How is she? Is she okay? Did you check up on her? I need some answers.

Elie: Abel

Selena: ( looks up at him before sitting up )

Elie: ( sits up as well ) She's okay

Abel: You checked on her?

Elie: ( puts him on speakerphone ) Bro yes.

Abel: I'm losing my mind. I shouldn't be thinking about her but I do. I keep trying to tell myself that I'm in love with Bella but all we do is get high and drunk and fuck. I need something real and I know I can have something real with Selena Gomez.

Elie: ( sighs and looks over at her )

Selena: ( looks down )

Elie: Where are you?

Abel: At a fucking bar. Smoking, drinking, I'm lost man.

Elie: What do you mean you're lost?

Abel: I don't know man... I just need to see her.

Elie: Why don't you break up with Bella and maybe you could have her?

Selena: ( looks up at Elie )

Abel: I don't want to break up with Bella and then Selena doesn't want me.

Elie: Bro you shouldn't be with someone who you're not happy with. And Selena does want you.

Abel: That's why she made that pretty clear on the phone with me. What the fuck am I doing man?

Elie: ( opens his mouth to say something )

Selena: ( soft voice ) Abel...

Abel: ( freezes when he hears her voice )

Selena: Abel it's Selena. Listen to me.. go home and get some rest.

Abel: Selena I need to see you. Where are you?

Selena: Go home please, for me?

Abel: You didn't answer me question.

Selena: I'm at the Hilton.

Abel: Which Hilton.

Selena: Abel go-

Abel: Which Hilton Selena?

Selena: The one across from the Staples Center.

Abel: I'll be there shortly.

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