Selena: ( mumbles to herself ) " I was walking down the street the other day, tryna' distract myself. But then I see your face, oh wait, that's someone else "

Elie: ( opens the sliding doors and steps out, closes them behind him ) Hey stranger.

Selena: ( looks up ) Hey ( looks back down at her notebook full of the lyrics to "Bad Liar" )

Elie: Why are you out here and not inside with everybody else?

Selena: ( shrugs ) writing lyrics.

Elie: What do you have?

Selena: It's not finished yet. ( closes the notebook )

Elie: ( walks over ) mind if I have a seat?

Selena: Shoot yourself.

Elie: ( kicks his shoes off and socks, sits next to her putting his feet in the water ) it's pretty nice out here.

Selena: Yeah, one of the few things I like about Cali.

Elie: I hear you.

Selena: ( lays back putting her hands behind her head, looking up at the sky )

Elie: ( looks back at her )

Selena: Have you ever been in love?

Elie: Yeah... but got my heartbroken.

Selena: Me too... it sucks.. having your heartbroken.

Elie: Yeah..

Selena: ( looks at him and sits up ) Have you ever been in love with somebody that you shouldn't be in love with? Like someone who's in a whole different relationship?

Elie: Yes

Selena: How did that work out for you?

Elie: It didn't. She didn't want to leave him for me. She just wanted us both and I ended up hurt.

Selena: ( frowns a little and looks down at the water )

Elie: you love someone who's taken?

Selena: I don't know. ( glances at him ) I mean, I don't even know if it's love. ( runs her fingers through her hair ) but I can't stop thinking about him. He's like taking over my life.

Elie: Justin?

Selena: ( scoffs ) No, not Justin. He's a Canadian but it isn't Justin.

Elie: ( looks at her ) Abel?

Selena: ( looks at him and then looks away )

Elie: Its him huh?

Selena: ( nods slowly )

Elie: Would you believe me if I said he has a huge crush on you?

Selena: ( looks at him )

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