"I'm off tomorrow."

"Okay, tomorrow night it is."

"Thank you," I say, overwhelmed.

"You're welcome. I'll text you tomorrow when I figure out where we're going, I want it to be a surprise." I chuckle.

"Okay sounds good. I'm gonna let you go so you can continue to relax. I just really wanted to be with you, or on the phone with you, when I found out. So thank you."

"I'm glad you called me, I wanted to be there. Bye Maddy!" She calls.

"Bye Maddy!" Taehyung moves the phone in Dana's hand so that it's on him.

"Bye guys," I laugh as I hang up.

I text Jungkook so I can let him know before I call my mom.

M: I got accepted into college! Feels weird but I'm really going back to school

Then I decide to call my mom.

It rings a few times before she picks up.

"Hello? Maddy is everything okay?" I hadn't realized she's at work. I don't usually call her during the day while she's working unless it's an emergency. I was in such a rush to call her and inform her of the good news I wasn't even thinking.

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry I'll make it quick."

"What is it, honey?"

"Well, mom, I got accepted into college!"

"Really?! Honey that's great!" Her voice starts to crack a little, probably because she's crying.

"Yeah I know! I can't believe it! I'm actually going back to school." She sniffles before she starts to talk again.

"Madeleine I am so proud of you. I'm getting a little emotional but that's because you make me proud and I love you." And my tears are back.

"Thank you, mom."

"Honey, I'm sorry I don't mean to cut you off short but I have to get back to work, I just wanted to make sure everything was okay and well, now I know that everything's just great. I will talk to you later, okay?"

"Okay, mom. Sounds good."

"Always remember I'm proud of you no matter what."

"Thank you, mom."

"Bye, honey. I love you."

"Bye, mom. I love you too."

As soon as I hang up I let the tears continue to fall from the mixture of happiness, being proud, and just feeling overwhelmed.

I hadn't realized what time it was because I was too preoccupied but I have to start getting ready for work. I don't even mind because now I know for sure I'm going to do something with my life and not work at a dead end job like this one forever.


I hadn't received a text from Jungkook in hours, which is unusual because his lazy ass never does anything. Maybe he took my advice and helped Jimin with grocery shopping or cleaned the apartment or something.

I hadn't heard from him until later on during the shift, which I couldn't answer until I was done with work.

After being congratulated by my coworkers, and even my boss, I ran out the door to my car.

JJK: Congratulations Maddy! I'm really proud of you I know how hard you worked for this. We should celebrate ;)

I didn't even care it turned into something sexual because I did believe he was proud of me and I knew it wasn't just an excuse to have sex, even though that's what it sounded like.

M: Thank you! And hmmm maybe we should, what did you have in mind? ;)

I start to drive home, exhausted from the day, but still happy.

When I got home he had texted me again.

JJK: Whatever you want princess

I hate, but also kind of love, the effect he has on me. Just from that he got me turned on.

M: Why don't you come over tomorrow night and I'll show you what I want

I'm way too tired to do anything tonight, both from work and just being overwhelmed from the news. But I might as well do a little more celebrating, right? I mean Dana is taking me out to dinner so why not get something good to end the night?


Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! I hope it's not too boring. It will definitely pick up soon, I promise. I have a lot written already and it's going to get a lot better. It won't be boring much longer so I hope you'll continue to read! Thanks to those who continue to read this story, it means a lot to me. It would also mean a lot if y'all voted and/or commented so I can see who's ready and who's liking it so far :)

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