I walked in and jumped in surprise when I heard Vanessa's voice behind me. I turned around to see Vanessa and Katelyn, standing outside my door with my suitcases on their hand. "You forgot your suitcase Amy" Vanessa said and I smiled sheepishly. The both of them shook their head and walked inside my room as they put down my suitcase on the floor.

"We'll be downstairs, in the living room" Vanessa said and I nodded my head as I thanked them for bringing me my suitcase. They smiled at me and walked out of my room. I closed the door and started putting my clothes back into my wardrobe. I took out my phone and looked at the time. I sighed and decided to take a quick shower.

After taking a shower, I put on an oversize shirt and a short shorts. I blew dry my hair and put my hair into a messy bun. I walked out of the room, down the stairs and saw my friends watching a movie. I smiled and walked towards them with a smile on my face. Katelyn noticed me and said, "Finally, you're here! Alpha and Luna decided to throw a home welcoming party for you tomorrow night"

I looked at her with my mouth hanging open and she chuckled as she stood. Vanessa decided to stand beside her and said, "Shut your mouth, Amy. You wouldn't want to eat flies, would you?" I shut my mouth and shook my head at them.

"You're joking right?" I asked and the both of them shrugged. I sighed and they both pulled me up the stairs, towards my room. "Wear something comfortable. We're going shopping!" Katelyn said and they both left to their rooms to change clothes. I locked the door and decided to wear a white skinny jeans and long sleeve black shirt along with my white sneakers.

I heard a knock on the door and opened it to see Vanessa with a smile on her face. We walked down the stairs and saw Katelyn waiting for us. Rosalie came into view and said, "Please be careful, girls and have fun" We nodded and said our goodbyes as we walked out of the pack house, towards Katelyn's car. We got into the car and drove off to The Mall. After half an hour in the car, we finally arrived and got off the car.

"We're here! It's time for shopping!" Vanessa shouted and walked inside with me and Katelyn following her. "Can we eat first? I'm hungry" I told them and Katelyn's eyes widen in excitement at the mention of food. I chuckled at her and Vanessa said, "We'll eat after we find a perfect dress for you to wear"

Me and Katelyn frowned and Vanessa rolled her eyes. We continued to walk and as soon as we enter the shop, the girls were already looking and scrutinizing every outfit in the shop. I stood there, not knowing what to do and decided to sit somewhere while waiting for them finding the 'perfect' outfit.

I sat at a bench nearby and a blonde hair girl came towards me with a big smile. Oh no! Please don't ask me anything. "Good evening ma'am! I am Sasha! May I help you?" She said in a thick accent.

Great! I don't need anything just go away, please.

"Uh..No thanks! I'm good" I answered, softly and she said, "Actually ma'am! We have a perfect dress, make up and shoes for you" I stood from my seat and moved away from her as I said, "Eer..I'm sorry but I-"

"Oh my! You have a perfect body! Would you like to try on our exclusive dresses? I'm sure that it will look perfect on you!" She told me with a wide smile on her face.

"I'm sorry but I only wanted to sit somewhere" I said politely and made my way to Vanessa but she was no where in sight. Oh god, Vanessa. Where are you?!

I turned my head only to see the girl smiling at me sweetly and she said, "Ma'am, I know a perfect dress for you to try!"

Oh my god! I'm stuck here with this devil.

Perfect dress, discount, proven quality, unique gift, warranty, don't delay, you'll love our, latest, inexpensive, never to be worry again, limited time offer, now introducing, fresh, let professionals take care of you, suits you, order now, don't wait, new design.

She kept on repeating everything for about 15 minutes already. Yes, I was counting because she hasn't stop talking. I don't know how can she talk for that long. Isn't she tired of talking?

"Amy!" I turned my head to the direction of the voice and saw Vanessa walking towards me. I ran up to her and hugged her. Oh gosh! I can finally escape from the devil! She pulled back and she looked at me, confused. "Where were you? I was searching for you everywhere" She told me and I said, "Really? I was searching for you. I-"

I was cut off by someone clearing their throat and both of us turned around to see Sasha with a smile. "So ma'am, did you decide on what to buy?"

"Umm yeah. I'll just go!" I said walking away with Vanessa. "We selected some outfit for you! You should try them!" Vanessa said excitedly. I nodded and walked over to Katelyn. "There you are! We've been searching for you! Now, come on and try some of the outfit we picked" Katelyn said pushing me into the dressing room.

I tried on almost ten outfit and we haven't choose any of the dress yet. They commented, 'too much jewellery', 'too slutty', 'too fancy'. I came out wearing a light blue drawstring lace off shoulder with a light blue heels and hoped that they'll agree this time.

Both of them were staring at me and I waited for their answer. "Perfect!" Vanessa said. "You look gorgeous in that dress!" Katelyn commented. Vanessa nodded in agreement and I sighed in relief. We bought the dress and we payed it by using Rosalie's card.

We finally exited the shop and it's already 9 at night. We decided to go to a restaurant and ate our dinner. After dinner, we drove home and the ride was fun. We talked, laughed and sang songs. We arrived back home and sat on the couch, tired. "I'm tired!" Katelyn said and I nodded in agreement.

"Welcome home girls. Did you have fun?" Rosalie asked and I turned my head to see Rosalie smiling. "It was great!" Vanessa said and Katelyn shook her head as I chuckled. I stood up and said, "I'm going to my room and get some rest" With that, I walked up the stairs, towards my room and took a hot shower. I put on my pink bear onesie and sat on my bed, reading a novel.

After a few minutes, I heard a knock on the door and opened the door to see Katelyn and Vanessa with a wide smile on their face. "Sleepover!" they shouted excitedly and I chuckled. I let them enter my room and closed the door. I sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the girls and Vanessa asked, "What should we watch?"

I looked at Katelyn and she had a mischievous smile on her face. I blink in confusion and smiled widely when it clicked on my head. "Horror movie!" Katelyn and I said in unison and Vanessa groaned in frustration.

"Seriously? Out of all movie, you girls choose to watch horror movie?!" She asked and we nodded our head. She sighed in defeated and put on 'The Conjuring'. After watching the movie, we played a game and tell stories. We had a lot of fun and after all of that, we fell into a deep sleep.

The Mystical WolfWhere stories live. Discover now