Chapter 32

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Neither Tris nor Tobias said a word to their friends about getting back together, which they hadn't even admitted to themselves, but they somehow knew. Sometimes, Tris felt as if Christina stalked her, because she knew almost everything that ever happened in her life. It sounded insane, but she wouldn't put it past her best friend to do something like that.

"Did you have hot makeup sex?" Christina asks Tris. They were at dinner together, and it was right after the state championship for track and field. Tris was practically falling asleep at her seat, and every so often Maxine would elbow her to keep her awake. Of course she did well, placing first in her events.

"No!" Tris exclaims, "I don't even know if we're dating!"

"Friends don't make out in their cars, or in their driveways, or practically naked in their bedrooms," Shauna shrugs. Tris glares at her from across the table.

"Are you really back with him?" Lauren asks, "I mean, he lied. And he was with other girls."

"Yeah, as in you," Lynn scoffs. She still did not like Lauren, and she was very suspicious of her sudden friendship with the other girls. Tris ignores Lynn's comment and takes a sip of her drink. She did not want to think about Tobias's actions with other girls, and she had no right to be angry over anything he did while they were not together.

"How about we talk about something other than, well, me?" Tris sighs.

"I'm going to be stuck with the two idiots soon," Shauna frowns, "They're practically in love. I swear Four is more affectionate with Zeke than he is with you. I'll have no girls, just two jocks."

"Well, I won't miss you," Lynn shrugs. Shauna slaps her sister's arm, "Ow, bitch! This is why I'm glad you're going!"

"You'll have to watch Hector on your own," Shauna shrugs. Maxine glares at her girlfriend, and then turns back toward the others.

They continue to talk, but Tris tunes them out. She leans on her hand, staring off in a random direction. She jumps when someone taps her arm, and she turns her body around quickly.

"Calm down," Christina frowns, "We're leaving."

"Good, I need to shower," Tris mumbles and stands up, following Christina out of the restaurant.

Her house is loud when she gets home; Her aunt and uncle sat with Caleb, deep in conversation and laughing, and Nita was watching a movie with one of her friends. Tris did not recognize the girl, and she tries her best to sneak past everyone when she gets home.

"Tris!" Caleb exclaims. Tris stops in her tracks and sighs, turning toward her brother, "How was your day?"

"You were there," Tris frowns, "I'm tired. I want to go to sleep."

"Well, that is Nita's friend from her old school," Her uncle starts, "Susan, this is my niece, Beatrice."

The girl, petite and blonde, smiles at Tris. Tris forces a smile onto her face, but she quickly brushes past her brother and hurries upstairs. She quickly gets in the shower, just trying to stay awake. Her body felt like a dead weight, and her head was pounding. When she gets out of the shower, she can hear an additional voice downstairs. Tris quickly throws on a sweatshirt and shorts and pulls her wet hair back, and she walks back downstairs. Her aunt and uncle sat on the couch, talking to Tobias. He says something she can not hear and everyone laughs. Tobias looks up and makes eye contact with her, and a smirk appears on his face, "Nice if you to join us, Tris."

"I didn't know you were coming over," Tris smiles. He sat next to Nita and her friend Susan, who was looking back and forth from Tobias to Tris with a shocked look on her face. Perhaps she thought that the two of them were an odd couple, or maybe she was shocked by the 'hunk of a man', as Nita once said, in front of her.

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