Chapter 7

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She sat in the court house, the voices of the lawyers arguing back an forth muffled. She didn't care to listen, she didn't care what happened. Tris was grieving the loss of her happiness, and slightly the loss of her friend.

Another day, more pain. Tris walked into school with Uriah and Marlene. Uriah's protective instincts kicked in, and now he watched over the small girl like a hawk. He'd watch her run by while he was at football practice, he'd have his eye on her in the hallway, and he'd even go to the hearings and make sure that she was safe. Marlene knew it was okay, that her boyfriend felt like he had a little sister to care for.

Today, the halls were silent. Tris was worried, wondering what other tragedy had struck Center City High. She knew that when Christina walked up, her eyes glistening with tears, her voice angry, that something was seriously wrong.

"He's gone," she whispered, "That coward..."

"What are you talking about?" Marlene asked.

"Al... He's dead," Christina answers, "He committed suicide last night."

Now, she was walking out with her parents, her father's hand over her shoulder. Tris was tired of being sad, of being broken, but she couldn't do anything about it. The feeling, she thought, was permanent.

Tragedy strikes when you least expect it. When you think life can't get any worse than it already is, or life is so amazing that you think nothing can stop you, things start to fall apart.

Tris heads up to her room silently, ignoring her brother calling after her. She sits down and calls Uriah, the phone ringing for a minute before he answers.

"Are you Okay?" He asks immediately as he picks up the phone.

"I'm fine, Uri," a small smile creeps onto Tris's face, "I was just wondering... Don't you think that it's been too long since one of the infamous Pedrad parties?"

She would do anything to feel something again. She wanted to push it all to the back of her mind and to pretend like nothing even happened.

"Do you think that's a good idea?" Uriah asks and is silent for a few seconds, "Of course it is, what am I saying? Tonight, be there at nine."

The phone call ends and Tris texts Christina to come over. Her friends were worried about her, worried if her head was in the right place. It wasn't, but she didn't care. Tris wanted it to all be over.

Tris dances wildly with Marlene, already incredibly drunk. She said she'd do whatever it took to forget the past few weeks, even if that meant getting blackout drunk.

The adrenaline rush kept her going, but she was bound to crash eventually. Tris wanted to make the most of it while it lasted.

She wasn't sure how long she danced for, or when she blacked out. All she knew was that when she woke up in the morning, her head pounding, she wasn't at Uriah's anymore. She wasn't home or even at Christina's. The dark gray walls were familiar, but she could barely keep her eyes open. The sunlight streaming into the room blinded her, so she just laid there. Realization hit her, and she realized she was at Tobias's.

Tris shot up and looked around, no one in sight. She panicked. She was terrified to think that maybe, just maybe, they slept together. A sickening feeling entered her stomach, and she shot up, running to the bathroom, but she could not throw up. She sat next to the toilet, tears running down her face, her makeup smudged and her hair messy. She was a mess, and last night made it worse.

"Tris?" She hears a voice ask, then the door opened slightly. She brushes her hair back and wipes the tears away, "Come here."

She drags herself from the ground and collapses into Tobias's arms, "Did-did we..."

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