Chapter 16

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Tris ignores everyone's calls. She was supposed to go to Zeke and Uriah's with Tobias an hour earlier, but she couldn't stand to look at him, let alone think about him. She trusted him, and he went off and told on her to her friends and mother.

She just runs. Running helped her ignore her feelings in the past, so perhaps that is the reason that she is so good at it today. Tris was never one to deal with things like this head on, instead just ignoring the topic until she or whoever else forgot about it.

She comes to an abrupt stop when someone steps in front of her, and she frowns, "What do you want, Eric?"

"Just wondering where lover boy is," he snickers, "I haven't seen you two apart in months."

"He is... I don't know. And I don't care," She sighs, "Now get out of my way."

Eric stands there, unmoving, "So, I heard that you are bound to be receiving some pretty good offers."

"And why is that your business?" Tris asks.

"Because I like you, I wanna know more about you," He smirks. Tris frowns and considers hitting him. He was pissing her off, and hitting on her when he knew that she was with Tobias. The fact that Eric, who tormented her from seventh to tenth grade, liked her really creeped her out. He was a year older than her, but he looked a lot older than his actual age. She looked like she was fourteen, not seventeen, about to be eighteen.

"Well That is unfortunate, because I don't wanna talk right now," She says and walks past him, continuing to run.

Someone runs up to her, and she rolls her eyes when she sees Tobias.

"I knew I'd find you here," he says. She speeds up, but he doesn't have a hard time catching up to her, "What's wrong?"

She comes to a stop and crosses her arms, "Why'd you tell on me? I'm fine, Four."

"I don't like when you call me that," He frowns, "And am I not allowed to be worried about you?"

"There isn't anything to be worried about," Tris says, "Now leave me alone."

"We all were worried when you didn't show up tonight," He sighs, "Come with me."

He puts his hand on her arm and she pulls away, "No. I don't want to."

"Is there a problem here?" Eric asks as he jogs up to them. Tris wants to run away from them both, but she knew that something bad was bound to happen between the two of them if she left them alone.

"No, Eric. Go away," Tobias scowls.

"She doesn't want to talk to you, obviously," Eric laughs, "So why don't you leave her be?"

Tris opens her mouth to speak, but Tobias interrupts her, "This isn't your business."

The two were very close, glaring at each other. Eric swings first, but Tobias dodges it and hits him. Eric stumbles back, his hand on his face, and is about to fight back when Tris steps in between them. The other people that were there were looking in their direction, but she ignores them.

"Four!" She exclaims, "Both Of you, stop."

Tobias is fuming, but he relaxes when Tris puts her hand on his chest and says, "Come on, we are leaving."

She grabs her things and drags Tobias out. When they get in the parking lot, she speaks, "What the hell, Tobias?"

"He was asking for it," Tobias frowns.

"You are being immature," She sighs, "I am fine. You don't need to be my bodyguard. I am not sick, I'm not hurt, I'm okay. You need to learn some boundaries!"

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