Chapter 8

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Tobias sat next to his mother, who had randomly shown up. He had a girl in his room when he heard her voice, but now she was gone.

"You can't keep doing this," Evelyn frowns, "You have to grow up."

"Grow up?" Tobias scoffs, "You're the one who ran and left me here. Marcus would freak if he knew you were here."

"He won't know," his mother sighs, "I've heard around that you've gotten college offers. They won't hold up forever, Tobias."

"I don't care about college," he spits. It was a lie. He cared, or at least he used to.

"Well I care, so you have to make a decision," she says, "You have so many great friends and you are letting them down."

"You know nothing about me!" Tobias yells and shoots up, "You left me!"

His mother sits, staring at her son. She had not seen him in upwards of five years, and he had grown so much.

As if on cue, Zeke and Uriah bust in, "What up Four- Evelyn?"

"I didn't think you'd remember me," Evelyn smiles.

Uriah and Zeke look at Tobias, both incredibly confused.

"I think you should leave," he grumbles. Evelyn stands and rests her hand on her son's shoulder.

"Be smart. Don't mess it up," she says and turns, walking out.

Tobias feels rage build inside of him. He turns and punches a wall, his fist throbbing and a hole is left behind.

"Dude," Zeke frowns, "What the hell?"

"She just shows up and thinks she can boss me around," Tobias spits, "She thinks she can tell me to grow up!"

"Well, we sort of came here to talk," Uriah mumbles, "Coach told us that Michigan might revoke their offer. You have to get it together."

"I am together," Tobias says, plopping down on the couch.

"You aren't. You've been an ass lately. No one wants to bring you around anymore," Zeke frowns, "You were going places, but now that Tris is gone-"

"This isn't about Tris!" Tobias yells at his friend, but Zeke isn't affected.

"It obviously is! Get your head out of your ass!" Zeke shouts, "We all love you, but we can't let you go on like this."

Tobias sits in defeat. He knows that when Tris left, it ruined him. He knew he needed to get back on track and stop being Four, the mysterious jock. He needed to be Tobias, gentle and caring, but also strong and daring.

"Fine, I'll make the decision," Tobias sighs, "But I need one thing."

"Anything," Uriah says.

"Where are you taking me?" Tris laughs as Uriah leads her out of the house.

"It's a surprise," Uriah puts his arm around her shoulders.

She shrugs and gets in the car after he opens the door for her. He was a gentleman, and he was one of her best friends.

Lately, they spent a lot of time together. If she wasn't with Christina or the other girls, she was with him and Zeke, and occasionally their girlfriends would tag along. They all knew that Tris wouldn't try anything and that she loved Zeke and Uriah like they were her brother's.

They rode in his convertible, the top up since it was freezing out, listening to loud music. The two sang along, and occasionally Tris would complain that she was cold, even though the heat was all the way up.

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