(Chapter 2)On Our Way!

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~Zekes POV~

Today was going to be the day that i would tell Dani that we are going to see Blood On The Dance Floor.I walked to her house and knocked on the front door.I heard footsteps inside and then she answered the door. ''Hey Dani! can i come in? i have something important to tell you.'' i said. She raised an eyebrow at me. ''Come in,'' she said.

~Dani's POV~

Why did he want to come in?He hasnt in over a year.... We walked up to my bedroom,Dad was down stairs and as usual he wasnt happy.I shut my bedroom door and we sat on my bed.

''Dani,i...i only ever want to see you happy and well'' There was a long pause.He reached into his back pocket and pulled out two pieces of paper. ''i bought us tickets to see Blood On The Dance Floor on Sunday night''

I was speechless...i didnt know what to say,i dont think ive been this happy in years.I hugged him. 

''How much do i owe you?'' i asked

''You owe me nothing Dani,only a smile because i want you to be happy'' 

I cant believe this...my best friend bought me tickets to see the people who have kept me going all these years. ''Oh Dani,theres one thing.We will will have to drive there today to get there tomorrow,so pack some clothes.''  I quickly ran to my wardrobe grabbing the clothes i would need for tomorrow.I ran into my bathroom grabbing my straightener,brush and hairspray,i threw everything i needed into my small Domo bag.

As we went downstairs my Dad saw us. ''What do you think your doing?'' he questioned.

This wasn't going to be good,i looked at Zeke and looked back at my Dad. ''Dad were going to a concert tomorrow night and were driving there.


''Im sick of you Dad! You dont run my life and im sick of you abusing me!'' i yelled. My Dad walked up to me and hit me right across the face. ''That will teach you to speak back to me'' he yelled.

''Stop hitting your daughter!'' Zeke Yelled.

Tears streamed down my face,and Dad hit me harder for what Zeke said to him.My Dad picked me up by my neck and i kicked him but he just threw me back to the floor.I managed to move a bit away and Zeke grabbed my hand and we ran out the door with my Dad yelling.We ran as fast as we could back to Zekes house.We slowed down and started to walk.

''Im Sorry you had to see that Zeke....''

''Dont be Dani,you dont deserve to be treated like that,just think tomorrow we will be seeing your idols...'' I continued to look at him in the eyes.As we got to his house he told me just to sit on the couch while he had a shower.

Once Zeke was ready to go we hopped into his Mums car and drove to where we were going to see botdf.

~~~6 hours Later~~~

We had finally arrived to the destination.It was 6pm and we drove to the closest McDonalds.Zeke was eating like he hadnt eaten in a million years,but i wasnt too hungry and just looked down at the bruises i had from my Dad. 

''You should really eat something'' Zeke said as he had his mouth full of food. I looked up at him and looked back down at my bruises as i rubbed my hand over them.Once he had finished we went back to his car and just watched videos on youtube because we picked up the free wi-fi from maccas

~~~Zekes POV~~~

She looked so calm laying next to me watching this movie,the next thing i knew she was asleep on my shoulder.I started to get tired too.i layed her head down on my lap and i slowly began to fall asleep aswell.

The next morning i woke up and instantly checked my phone.12.47pm...I decided to wake her up.After we both woke up i told her to make sure she was ready by 4 so we could get to the venue by 4.30 as the show started at 7 and it would be great to get there early to get a good spot.

After driving 30minutes to the venue,we parked the car and got out.Dani looked amazing with her make-up and hair done,she was wearing a Botdf shirt and ripped jeans.i however just looked like i always do.You could see the excitement on her face as we started walking closer to the entrance.

~~~Done,sorry for the short chapter,i had fuck all ideas for this chapter :/ ~~~ 

<3 you all ~krystal

Maybe it was meant to be [Blood on the dance floor fan fiction]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon