Chapter 30

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~~~The next day~~~

I had woken up to my alarm going off."Fucking piece of shit!" I yelled.I stood up and for once I didn't run to the bathroom which was great.I had 40 minutes to get ready to leave to go and see Zeke.the boys were in the studio again.

I walked to the bathroom and got undressed,i hated facing the scars on my body when I got undressed...I turned the hot water on and stepped in.It felt amazing juts standing under the hot water and letting the water run down my body.Inwashed my hair with the vanilla scented shampoo then put the conditioner in.I turned the tap off and grabbed a towel.

I walked to the bedroom and grabbed some black and white skinnies,a black veil brides shirt and a blood on the dancefloor jacket as it was cold outside.I went back to the bathroom and blow dried my hair,I straightened and teased it then applied a thin layer of eye liner around my eyes.

I ran down the stairs grabbing the bag of cookies I bought yesterday and ran outrun door into the car.I put the keys into the car and reversed out the driveway.I put a Slayer cd into the car and went to the track Disciple.I started singing and pretending to scream the lyrics,I got strange looks from people but I just flipped them off.

Turn down Boeryla street then into Dafuila and the third house on the left.I pulled into the driveway of Zeke's new house.I had been here once before and it was a really nice house.Two story,3 bedrooms,2 bathrooms and a massive backyard with a very sexy pool.Zeke lives here with Jake,who is a friend of Zeke's.

I got out of the car making sure to lock it,then walked to the door but before I could knock I was attacked by a giant hug,"DANI!" Zeke yelled with excitement.He was crushing me,"Cant....Breathe" I struggled to say.Although he was quite light I was really small and I was nothing but skin and bone."Oh sorry Dani," he giggled as he stood up.I stood up and followed him inside.

"Sooo...What do you want to do?" I asked smiling."GET SOME ICECREAM!" he jumped up and down with excitement."It's too fucking cold,loser" I said.He pouted and sat on the floor.He was truly weird,he could have sat on the couch which was about a meter away. "Any other ideas?" I asked. "OMG! that place where it's like got giant bouncy castles,Giant slides,massive ball bit and you climb all that shit,the place we went to for your 8th birthday!" he yelled with excitement."Age limit is 12,remember we tried like 2 years ago?" I said."Awww,fuck them,your never too old" he pouted.

"What about we go to the Go Karting place?" I asked."Yes! let's go now!" he stood up,grabbed my hand and ran to the door.He ran straight to my car and tried to open the door but it was locked,"Calm your shit" I said laughing.I unlocked the door and we hopped in.I turned the car on and drove to the Go karting place.

When we walked in it was bigger than I imagined,neither of us had gone Go Karting before.The race had just started as we walked in so we had to wait 30 minutes.In that time we registered and had to pick a username Zekes was ZexyZeke and mine was DaniEatsCookiez.After signing up the guy made us read the rules.By the time that happened it was our turn to get out helmets and race.

We walked over to the helmet section and picked he ones we wanted,then we picked our kart number,mine was 9 as it was my lucky number and Zeke picked 16 as it was his favorite number.Other people were also racing with us.

Red,Orange,Green! the lights went and we took off.Driving these were quite easy and they were super fast.You couldn't really hear much due to the helmets."Eat shit!" I yelled as I passed Zeke on the straight,I took a sharp turn around the corner then another around the other corner before slamming into the wall.The guy had to help me out of the wall as there were no reverse pedals on these.

On the last lap I went as fast as I could and I'm pretty sure I had beaten Zeke.The guy motioned us to slow down and pull into where all the marts were parked.Once we had all pulled in he turned he marts off and we hopped out.Zeke walked over to me and we took our helmets off Zeke bursted into laughed,"What?" I asked curiously,he pointed at my hair.i grabbed my phone put of my pocket and looked on the reflection of the screen my hair looked like a tornados hit me and threw me 3883392938 miles.I fixed up my hair and we walked out of the karting place.

"Let's get something to eat," I said."Hell ye,I'm hungry!" he yelled.We went through the McDonald's drive through.I got a Big Mac meal and Zeke got a Quarter Pounder meal.We ate our meals on the way back to his house.When we got inside we plopped ourselves on the couch."What do you want to watch?" he asked.I shrugged.He turned the tv on and put on the Simpsons.Typical...

After a few episodes I decided it was time to go as it was 4.37pm."I have to go Zeke," I frowned."Well thanks for today Dani he smiled.I smiled back and hugged him."We shall be hanging put a lot when Jayy and Dahvie go on tour otherwise I'll be bored shitless and I need to see my best friend," I said.He giggled and nodded.I walked to the door then waved goodbye to him.

I got into the car and drove home.The traffic was horrible due to peak hour..."Fuck all you fucks who finish at the same time!" I yelled in my car.I sat in traffic for over an hour before finally arriving home.Dahvie and Jayy were home and Jayy was cooking dinner. "how was your day babe?" I asked.Dahvie shrugged his shoulders,"eh,what about yours?" " was quite fun,went to karting,bought maccas and watched the Simpsons," I smiled.

"Babe!You have to be careful,your pregnant and you could have injured yourself or the baby", he said.He had a point,"okay I won't do it again," I said.I sat on the couch next to Dahvie and he pressed his lips to mine.God he was an amazing kisser. "Dinners ready!" Jayy yelled.I broke the kiss and ran to the kitchen."Thanks bitch!" I yelled as i grabbed the lasagna,"I loooove lasagna!" I yelled."You fucking love anything Italian!" he yelled.I laughed and sat down to eat my dinner.

Maybe it was meant to be [Blood on the dance floor fan fiction]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz