Chapter 29

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~~~1 month later~~~

*Dani's POV*

The morning sickness was fucking horrible -.- I would wake up early in the mornings and run straight rogue toilet to throw up.My belly was getting a little bit bigger.God I was going to be a fatass,this child better feel fucking lucky.Lately Dahvie and Jayy have been in the studio writing and recording Evolution.This album was unique and different to all their other albums,it wasn't all explicit and about sex this album was to help fans.

The album was supposed to come out February 14th but they will be extending it to May/June.They had another 2 weeks off before another month tour.They didn't need me for merch as there was going to the one merch girl selling all the bands merch at one stall.I was kind of relieved but dissapointed.

"Are you ready?" Jayy yelled to Dahvie who was upstairs trying to get his hair perfect.Jayy and Insat on the couch eating poptarts and Oreos for breakfast. "Okay let's go!" Dahvoe yelled as he ran down the stairs.Jayy and I stood up and walked out to the car.Dahvie unlocked the door and we all got in.Typical Dahvie blasting his own music.

Today they were going to record Unforgiven and next week they planned to film the video.We all sang along to the lyrics of Ima monster when finally we arrived at the recording studio.The studio was quite cosy but boring,especially if you sat there the whole day.Dahvie locked the car doors and we walked into the studio.

"MONSTER!" Dahvie yelled.He ran over to the table where there were boxes and boxes of monster. "You are not having all of them nor do you need them," Jayy said taking the box and putting it on a high shelf where Dahvie couldnt reach it.

Dahvie and Jayy went into the sound room while I waited in the main lobby.I grabbed my phone from my pocket and decided to text Zeke.Did I mention Zeke moved to our state and it's a thirty minute drive to where he lives from our house.

D:Zeeekee D:<

Z:Danniiii >_>

D: Hii :DDD

Z: haha hi dani.What u doing?

D:Drinking monster,nother day in Studio .-. bored shitless

Z: haha,fuck that.

D:ye ikr ;(

Z: for any plans tomorrow?

D: No...Studio again -.-

Z: Want to have a play date :D

D:Your such a dork ahaha,but yes

Z:ok see u tomorrow.where and what time?

D:Urs? 11pm?

Z:Sweet c u tomorrow ^.^

D:okay yay >_^

I put my phone down and decided to play Angry Birds.Gosh,I couldnt get past this level.The third level on the 4th world thingo.I nearly had it I just needed this red bird to hit that one block to kill that fucking pig and I would have victory.i pulled the bird back and it hit the lock but the pig didn't die.i screamed 3 times,"You motherfucker!" I yelled.I stood up and threw my phone at he wall then say back down cracking all my knuckles.

"Fucking motherfucker of a game can go get raped by a fucking sausage with a 20 inch thick dildo,mother fucker!" i yelled.I stood back up and walked over to my phone which now had a smashed screen,not that I really cared at this moment.

Hours later Dahvie and Jayy came out of the recording room,"Sorry we took so long babe" Dahvie leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. "What the fuck happened to your phone?" Asked Jayy."Oh,well angry birds pissed me off,I screamed,threw my phone at that wall,told it to get raped by a sausage and ye," I said.Jayy and Dahvie both bursted out with laughter.

"Raped by a sausage," Jayy managed to say in between laughing.After the laughing fit we walked put of the studio and drove back home.

"I was soooo hungry...I went into the kitchen to check what food we had and surprise surprise we had nothing...Dahvie was pretty much crashed out on the couch at 2pm and Jayy had Dahvies head resting on his lap."Jayy,come shopping with me" I whispered.He slowly stood up making sure not to wake Dahvie up.We grabbed the keys off the table and walked out the door slowly

~~~At the shops~~~

Jayy sat in the trolley while I pushed him around the shops.We were only going food shopping."We are only getting the essentials Jayy!" I said loudly as I slapped the back of his head."Oww that hurt," he ahined.We walked up and down the aisle,so much for just the essentials...We had so much junk.Jayy grabbed anything and everything off the shelf that looked tasty and sweet.

Jayy was prety much surrounded with shit in the trolley.We waited in line at the checkout when Jayy yelled out,"Hurry the fuck up you old bastard!" to the person in front of us.I slapped the back of his head and we got alot of glares.I put all of the food up on the checkout and the lady scanned it."That will be $469.50 Thankyou" she said.Jayy instantly laughed,I'm guessing because of the 69,typical immature Jayy.I handed the lady the money and threw the bags at Jayy.

~~~At home~~~

We got home and Dahvie was still sleeping.Jayy and I had to put all the food away which took quite a while considering how much junk we grabbed. "You guys went shopping?" Dahvir said.We turned around to see asleepy Dahvie standing up against the wall,"Yeah and Jayy say in the trolley and also started swearing at the slow fucker in front of us oh AndWeNearlySpent$500onFood,"I said the last bit really fast."What the fcuk nearly $500!" Dahvie yelled.Jayy and I both laughed.

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