(Chapter 3) The Concert

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~~~Dani's POV~~~

We sat near the entrance door,we knew we would be sitting here fro about two hours but it was totally worth it.

''You Idiot,we got here too early''

''No we didnt,its fine''

''Yes we did you asshole,now we will be bored for the remaining hours,maybe you should listen to me for once''

The voices sounded familiar,i looked at Zeke and he looked at me.Then i looked to my left and i saw two figures one with long teased up colourful hair and one with short hair.Could it really be them? I just kept my head up looking and it was them.

''See Jayy,we werent too early'' yelled Dahvie.Jayy just shook his head.The two of them walked up to us.

''Hi guys,are you here to see us perform tonight?'' Dahvie asked.

I was speechless,i didnt know what to say,Zeeke nudged me. ''We drove 6 hours to get here and decided to sit at the door really early so we could be at the front,'' Zeeke said.

Dahvie laughed. ''Now thats what i call dedication.'' he smiled at us.

''You two want to come inside and hang with us for a while,seeing as we have nothing to do?'' Dahvie asked.

I looked at Zeke and smiled,once again i didnt believe this was happening. ''Definitely,'' i replied. We stood up and followed Dahvie and Jayy inside.I instantly hugged Zeke.Dahvie sat down on one of the couches next to Jayy and we sat across from them.There was an awkward silence....

Jayy was talking to Zeke.I was looking down as they talked,when i looked up i saw Dahvie looking at me with a strange expression on his face.Dahvie stood up and came over to me. 

''Whats that on your arm?'' he questioned.

I instantly covered the bruises and scars on my arm with my other arm and instantly hid my face.

''He smiled,you dont have to hide it from me,i saw it before,'' he grabbed my arm and took me into the other room leaving Jayy and Zeke talking to each other.He sat next to me as i continued to look down. ''Those marks on your arm...they are new,why would you do this to yourself?'' he questioned... I didnt know how to reply... ''I didnt do those''... He looked at me raising an eyebrow again. ''Well who did then?''  I dont know why he wants to know i thought to myself... ''My Dad...he always abuses me...'' Dahvie gave me a sorrow look and grabbed my arm out.'' If it werent for your music i dont think i would still be alive anymore'' i saw a tear in his eye and he hugged me. 

Jayy walked in thinking something happened,but Dahvie just gave him a look telling him to go.After i stopped crying Dahvie looked at me in the eyes. What was he doing,i thought to myself,why does he care so much?

~~~Dahvies POV~~~

''Jayy'' i yelled.

''What?'' he yelled back

''Can i please talk to you?'' he walked over to me. ''Her Dad abuses her,thats why all the scars and bruises are on her arms,she also cuts and i dont want her to get hurt anymore,i want to bring her on tour with us''

''Alot of other fans cut too,but we dont bring them on tour'' Jayy replied.

''I know,but she....she is something more...She seems completely broken and..''

''Wait what?? You like her dont you Dahvie?'' Jayy interupted.

''I...yes...a bit...just,ill talk to you after the show Jayy''

~~~Dani's POV~~~

''Zeke,thankyou so much,i love you,this is the best day of my life'' i yelled at him.He smiled back. 

''Dani,We've organised for you to be standing where the security are for the show,and come back here after the show!'' Dahvie yelled. I cant believe this i thought.Zeke and i walked out to where we were going to watch botdf perform.As they appeared the crowd went wild.They were amazing,throughout the show Dahvie kept looking at me and smiling.I dont think ive ever been this happy.

After the show we went to go backstage like we were told,but one of the security guys wouldn't let me and Zeke. ''No pass,No access'' the muscular security guard said. 

''They are with me!'' Dahvie yelled,he grabbed my hand and i went with Dahvie,with Zeke holding my other hand.

Dahvie asked me if he could talk to me and then took me to another room.It was strange he was doing this.

''How old are you Dani?'' he asked.


'Dahvie sighed...''its just that..i wanted to know if you would like to come on tour with us,so you dont have to go back to your Dad.''

I stood there shocked,wondering wether he was serious or not.but he was. ''Id....i would love to''

He smiled and he walked back into the other room and told Jayy that it was happening.I walked over to Zeke who was sitting there patiently. ''Zeke guess what!! Dahvie wants to take me on tour with him,'' i said with excitement. He looked like he was about to cry. ''Are you going to go with them?'' He asked. ''Of course i am,'' i said. He looked away and i hugged him. ''Dont worry Zeke,i will call you every day and text you whenever i can,and i will see you after the tour''. He smiled back.

~~~Zekes POV~~~

I cant believe that she decided to go with them.Im happy for her but...is she really going to leave me without any friends...Thoughts ran through my head.


''Huh..what?'' i quickly snapped out of my thoughts.

''I'm leaving with them tonight,'' said Dani.

I looked up at her.''Are you really going to leave me?'' 

''Im sorry Zeke...but you know what my Dad is like,he will probably end up beating me even more after this.''

I sighed... ''Okay,but promise me we will keep in touch and you'll visit me soon.''

''I promise.'' She then came up to me and hugged me.

''Dani! we have to get going now!'' Dahvie yelled.Dani hugged me once again, ''Thankyou for this Zeke,if it weren't for you buying us the I would never have escaped my Dad.'' I Iooked at her once again and smiled,then she walked off with Dahvie and Jayy.

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