Chapter 20

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~~~Dani's POV~~~

...I can't was Jayy! He was like my brother...

~~~Dream Over~~~

I opened my eyes to two heads above me and people shaking me.I was breathing heavily.As I opened my eyes I saw Jayy and Dahvie.Inwas scared to death of Jayy now and afraid what he was going to do to Dahvie. "Stay the fuck away from me!" I yelled at Jayy pushing his hand off my arm. "W.What?" he asked curiosly, "Fucking stay away from me!" i sat up and punched him in the nose and ran out the room grabbing Dahvie with me.Jayy was on the floor holding his nose as I ran out the bedroom with Dahvie.i took him into the bathroom and locked the door.

"Dani?" what's wrong?" Dahvie whispered to me,he held my hands and stared directly into my eyes.I wiped my tears from my eyes. "Jayy..." I mumbled. He held my hands even tighter now,"What about Jayy?" he questioned. I took a deep breath,"He is the one who has been doing all the bad stuff to me and he was the one who tortured and hung you,but your alive,how did you survive?" I asked.He had a blank look on his face, "Dani,Jayy never did anything..." He said quietly.

"Dani you were asleep,dreaming that," he said quietly. I stood there with tears running down my face. " felt so real...i felt all the pain." i said quietly avoiding eye contact with him. "Jayy has been helping my Dad torture me and hurt you," i mumbled. "Dani,Jayy and Iwould protect you with all his life no matter what," he smiled.He leaned in to kiss me. "I'm sorry..." I mumbled.

We unlocked the bathroom door and walked down the stairs.I could see Jayy on the couch.I walked over to him and he didn't look too happy at all.I took a deep breath, Sorry about before's just that I had a dream that felt so real...and you were the one..." I said without making eye contact. "It's okay Dani,but you do know how to punch," he said.I felt really bad...

~~~Dahvie's POV~~~

Her dreams were getting worse every day...She told me about every dream and they all involved her Dad doing something bad to her loved ones.This wasn't normal and she could barely sleep.I needed to get her checked.It was currently 5am and she had slept most of yesterday while Jayy and Inwere out which is good but I'll be taking her to see someone today.

~~~Later that day~~~ *Dani's POV*

"Are you ready!" Dahvie yelled from downstairs. "yes,I'm coming now!" I yelled.I ran out the bathroom door and down the stairs to Dahvie.He smiled at me. "Is Jayy not coming?" I asked. "No, we will tell him what happens later," he smiled.We walked out the door and got into the car. "So how far away is the psychologist?" I asked. "About ten minute," he smiled and turned on the car.

~~~15mimutes later~~~

We walked into a small building that had a waiting room and one other door which I'm guessing was the room for people who think they might be going insane like me.We walked to the table where a lady in her 50's sat. "Name?" she asked. "Dani Torres," Dahvie said and smiled at the lady.Did he just call me Dani Torres? Gosh he was amazing sometimes. "Your appointment is in 5 minutes just sit down and wait," She didn't seem happy.

"Torres,Dani Torres," a lady smiled.Dahvie and I stood up and at the door was a lady who must have been in her late twenties or early thirties.We walked over to the door. "Hi Dani," she smiled.I smiled politely. "And who must you be?" she asked looking at Dahvie. "Dahvie Torres,Dani's partner," he smiled politely. She nodded her head," Well could you please just sit out here and wait,I'll call you in soon," she smiled.

I walked into the room with her and she shut the door behind me.She took a hair across from me, "So what has been happening?" she asked. "Well...I've been having really bad dreams," I said. "How line has this been going on and is it every time you sleep or just every now and then?" she asked. "Its been happening for just over two weeks make and every time I shut my eyes to sleep," I said.She scribbled down what Insaid on a piece of paper. "And do you know who is in these dreams or where it's happening and could you please tell me what's happening?" she asked. "Well,all of them have my Dad in them,and an unknown person who I recently found out was my closest friend,well pretty much a brother,I'm always getting hurt by my Dad and Dahvie is always getting taken from me in some way,they feel so real and I feel all he pain," I said. She shook her head up and down.

"Has your Dad passed away at all?" she asked. "No..not as I know of,I ran away from him to live with Dahvie and Jayy because he used to beat me and I Havnt seem him in about 4-5 months now," I said looking at her. "Well...I'm just going to bring Dahvie in here," she smiled and stood up and walked over to the door to call Dahvie in.

He ran in like a loonatic,he sat next to me on the chair and held my hand. "so Ughh Dahvie? Could you please explain what has happened and when it started and where you guys were," she said.He looked over at me and back at the lady," Well,if you didn't know im in a two piece electronic band and at the time we were touring warped tour,One night she woke up screaming and it started from there,the dreams have gotten worse and she tends to shake and talk and mostly scream,Jayy and I usually have to wake her up and she wakes up shaking and kind of sweating," he explained. "Do you know what she says?" the lady asked. "Well she continually says no,I love you,stop and talked about her dad," he said.The lady nodded. "Dani,I think your Dad is trying to get in contact with you," she said.

"But how? and why,he always heated me and why would he get in contact with me by making me feel scared?" I asked. "Well he may be wanting to finish off what he started by making everything you see seem so real,he is trying to tear you and your loved ones apart," She explained. "But how do we know my Dad is dead?" I asked. "We can tell by the way your dreams are and what you've been experiencing,maybe if you go visit his grave," she explained. "I can't...He was the one...He abused me for years,I have nothing left with him," I explained.We continued to talk about what I could do.It was time for us to leave now.We thanked her and walked out.

"Dani...I think you should visit your Dad..." he said. "Dahvie! You know what he did I will never forgive him!" I yelled.The rest of the drive home was silent.As the car stopped I hopped out and slammed the door.I walked into the house and Jayy was sitting on the couch,"So what happened?" he asked.I told him about my Dad and he nodded.Maybe I should go visit my Dads grave and visit my Mums too.

I walked over to Dahvie who was on twitter. "Dahvie,do you think we could go and visit my Dad,I will also visit my Mum while we're there" I asked. "Of course we can," he smiled. "We will leave first thing tomorrow as it will be about a 3 hour flight," he smiled. I kissed him and smiled,"thanks"

The rest of the day I just sat on the couch and watched tv.Why would my Dad want to continue torturing me even after his death...why would he want to tear Dahvie,Jayy and I apart?I don't know what I ever did wrong...Maybe it was just me...I decided to go to bed without eating and without sayin goodnight to anyone.

*Boring chapter? I know I need some fillers that aren't too boring or too big,in about 15 chapters this will be over :) and remember to comment and vote thanks <_•3 also all the typos are from my phone .-. so ye

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