Chapter 26

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*NOTICE* This part will be rushed,I fucking hate writing what happens on tour -.- just gonna get it over with so I can write the rest,Please VOTE and COMMENT and Please FAN <3 okay well on with the story <3

~Dahvie's POV~

It was only a two week tour but god was it hectic.The tour went quite quick but and now we are at home.We have 3 months off and during that time we will be working on the new album Evolution.It was supposed to be released in Feb but we are extending it because we want to add more songs and improve the others.Christmas was also in a week and heck I couldn't wait.Dani and I had been dating for 8 months now and she still hadn't met my parents so I was quite excited.

Today I was going shopping to get Dani's Christmas present,I know I left it quite late but what do you expect I'm a guy.I also needed to get shit for family and Jayy but I would do that another day.Dani was still sleeping so I wrote her a note and left it on my pillow.I walked out the bedroom door being careful not to wake Dani up and I walked down the stairs.I grabbed the keys off the table and walked out the front door.

I got into the car and started it up.I put ima Monster on and started aiming as I drove.I got stopped at a red light and the guy next to me looked at me with disguist but of onto he'd to sing and when the light went green I flipped him off and stepped on he gas.Within 10 minutes I was at the mall.I knew exactly what it was I was going to get her.

The first thing I was going to get here were the pants she never stopped talking about that we're from hot topic.Luckily they still had them.I walked to the counter and paid for them then walked to the other store.I picked out a nice necklace with diamonds and something else.i told the lady what I wanted and paid for them.

I walked back to the car and started the engine.I needed to get home before Dani woke up otherwise it would be hard to hide this stuff.

When I got home I unlocked the door quietly and popped my head through to see Jayy sitting on the couch. "Where'd you go?" he asked. "Shopping for Dani's Christmas present," I smiled."ooh! show me what you got her!" he said excitedly.I showed him the pants and the necklace."Wow dude,that's fucking amazing," he said.I smiled and nodded.I showed him the other thing I bought as well and he just had a huge grin on his face.

I walked up to my room and hid the items i had bought.Luckily Dani was still asleep.I hopped into the bed next to her,"Morning," she said quietly. "Morning baby" I kissed her lips softly and she slowly opened her eyes and smiled. "Where have you been?" she asked."Oh no where," I smiled at her.She punched my arm lightly and stood up,"Where are you going?" I asked."To take a fucking piss,is that alright wih you?" she asked sarcasticly.I laughed a little and got up.

I walked downstairs and sat on the couch next to Jayy,he looked at me,"So when are you going to ask her?" he asked."Tonight," I said happily.Just at that moment Dani walked down the stairs clumsily,"Morning," she said.Jayy and I both turned our heads to her,"Morning" Jayy said.

Jayy stood up and gave me the thumbs up and walked out of the room.Dani came and sat next to me and I turned to face her,"Well hello there" She said smiling."I put my hands on both of her hands,"Sould you like to go out together tonight?" I asked.Her face lit up,"Yes!" she said excitedly."Well we will leve at 6 then."


Dani walked down the stairs and she looked amazing as usual.I took her hand and we said goodbye to Jayy.I opened the car door for her and we drove off.It was only a 20minute drive to where we were going.I pulled up at the beach and I took her hand.We walked down the steps to the beau and near the shore was a red table set up with Ross petals under a red gazebo.

"This is amazing," she gasped."I'm glad you like it," I smiled.Alhough it was winter tonight actually wasn't cold so it was great.We sat down and I had hired a person to play the violin.We ate and talked for a while.I then went over to her and got on one knee,"Dani,I love you so much and you are mt everything,will you marry me?" i asked.She looked down at me,"Dahvie...No." My heart was broken into pieces.

Maybe it was meant to be [Blood on the dance floor fan fiction]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora