The house and the clave (11)

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Jace awoke for the first time in forever to silence. He felt extremely cold and when he looked down he could see why. Where clary usually slept it was empty. A void only she could fill. He began to panic and as he got up their bathroom door swung open and clary came walking back in with a grin on her face. "You look like you've seen a ghost" she said smiling playfully, "no i was just cold, so get your petite behind over here before i have to come kiss it over here" he said smiling at her, "oh" he added. "And happy birthday". Clary sighed as she got back into bed and was pulled into a careful hug by Jace. She guessed he was trying not to crush their unborn baby. "Jace its three in the morning. Please can we just"- but she never got to finish her sentence because of a loud and impatient knock at the door. "Jace wake up man i need you" "oh" the voice added as the noise got louder, "it's an emergency about well real estate" Alec said as the knocks kept coming. Clary turned to Jace confused."whats he on about Jace?" Clary asked in a confused tone. "I don't know let me go find out" Jace said practically leaping out of bed and skidding into the door.

"What!" Jace asked as he slammed their door shut behind him. "Alec i am telling you this better be good because i swear i was about to get some before you came and ruined it" Jace said whilst arching an eyebrow at him questioningly. "Oh it was worth it" Alec said whilst muttering an 'eww' under his breath Jace guessed was for his latter of comments. "So?" Jace asked trying to change topics from him and clary's love life. "The real estate council called me and they say that the house will be ready today, so you can finish moving and well, move in today". Alec said smiling at Jace who was extremely excited but of course would never show it. "Great" was all Jace said before bouncing off in search of his sons room.

Jace entered their sons room quietly, he loved it in his room. In many ways Jake was so much like Jace, he liked to keep tidy and liked to be left alone. But he also had his mothers personality. Not Jace's sarcastic one. Jake also liked to draw a lot and had lots of pictures of clary and him on his bedroom walls. The only thing that actually made this room his. And if anyone except his parents tried to touch anything they were sure to loose a hand. Jace needn't of come in quietly because Jake was sat on the floor colouring a picture when Jace walked in and frowned down at him. "Jake it's gone three in the morning buddy don't you think its time for bed?" Jace asked as he picked up his now yawning son and set him in bed. "Yes daddy" he said whilst handing Jace a drawing. "I wanted to give mommy a present for her birthday that i had made so i made her this" he said smiling at Jace who could understand him. But to anyone else it would of sounded like 'i wawnted two gwive mommu a pwusant fwor her bwirthday swo i mwade her dwis'. Jace rustled his sons hair and whispered to him. "You know that secret i told you yesterday that we might be moving into the new home soon. Well were moving today so this morning after practice

I want you to pack up everything you want to take little man. And if you don't tell mommy i'll let you have first pick on a room". Jace said whilst smiling at their son who was rubbing his beautiful green eyes. Jace was so glad he had green eyes because it reminded him of clary so much, it just made his love for his son stronger. "Yes daddy" was all Jace got in response before Jake dove into sleep. Wrapped around his dads waist, great Jace thought. Might as well get comfy because i'm going no where.

Clary woke for the second time. but this time it wasn't to be sick it was to see who was knocking rather impatiently at the door. clary swung it open expecting to find Jace or their son but came face to face with simon who pulled her into a death hug. after a moment clary pulled away and gasped for air. "jesus simon" clary said whilst smiling. "happy birthday" was all she got in response. "where's Jace and Jake" clary asked.beginning to miss them already. "They urgh they went out. Jace said it was urgh,child business" simon said clearly staling. "simon" clary began, she knew she would get him to tell her. she was about to lay into him when she felt arms wrap around her waist gently and a soft voice whisper in her ear. "surprise" Jace said whilst putting his hand flat on her belly. "when will i be able to feel a kick?" Jace said sounding sad. Clary smiled. "it's early days Jace. about three weeks maybe so it's gonna be a while" she said whilst spinning to face simon and she almost yelled at him. "surprise". Simon just looked at them both in complete shock. "this" simon said slowly, and pointed to Clary's belly. "had better not be a bloody boy, seriously you know Jace trained your son to only call me mundane". He said whilst scowling at Jace. Jace laughed in clary's ear. "what can i say. i'm proud of my boy" Jace said whilst pulling Clary's arm. "you need to stay with simon for a few hours. then let your perfect birthday commence". Jace said smiling at clary. and he took off down the hall before clary could complain. "and then there were two" simon said whilst watching jace disappear down the hall.

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