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Brandon's P.O.V:

I don't know where the hell Maxwell is going, but I am not letting him go there alone.

BRANDON: "Where exactly are you going?"

MAXWELL: "Guess."

BRANDON: "Somewhere dangerous?"

MAXWELL: "Bingo."

BRANDON: "I don't think that bingo is a dangerous place, except when you win and all of the regulars give you the evil eye."

MAXWELL: "No not bingo! I said that as an affirmation not a destination."

BRANDON: "Oh I see. Then where are you going?"

MAXWELL: "I'm going to check up on André, to make sure that he hasn't escaped from his leash."

BRANDON: "Damn, you make it sound like he's an animal or something..."

MAXWELL: "Anyone who has the urge to end somebody's life has abandoned all traces of humanity and has become nothing more than a wild animal with no remorse."

BRANDON: "I guess... But he is still human at the end of the day and we should be able to change his mind."

MAXWELL: "The concept of games has radicalised him into something that is willing to play this game."

BRANDON: "But aren't we playing this game?"

MAXWELL: "We're being forced to play! He would play this even if he wasn't being forced into it. That is what the difference between André and us is Brandon."

BRANDON: "I understand. Let's hope that he is still in place."

MAXWELL: "And if he isn't then we may have cracked this case, because who else is willing to commit two murders other than André?"

BRANDON: "I thought that there was three...?"

MAXWELL: "I know but there are two culprits in this case and I'm certain about who the other one is."

BRANDON: "Who is it?"

MAXWELL: "That's for me to know and for you to find out my friend."

BRANDON: "Please don't say it's me again..."

MAXWELL: "Oh no, nothing of the sort. I will only say this... That spotlight falling was no accident."

BRANDON: "Someone was up there?"

MAXWELL: "I'm certain, but when we go back to the bar we should investigate all of the entrances and exits."

BRANDON: "In case they escaped through there?"

MAXWELL: "Bingo, and I don't mean the game."

BRANDON: "So, we're here."

MAXWELL: "We sure are."

BRANDON: "I never thought that I would enter this building again..."

MAXWELL: "You don't have to y'know?"

BRANDON: "I don't have to?"

MAXWELL: "Listen... I don't want you getting hurt, I just don't want anyone to get hurt okay? If André is waiting behind that door ready to strike... I'm willing to be that sacrifice."

BRANDON: "Maxwell..."

MAXWELL: "Wish me luck, I'm going in."

BRANDON: "Good luck."

Maxwell entered the building by himself, I hope he's okay in there. Wait a sec... Is that Jessica?

She's crying, that's to be expected now that her boyfriend is dead. Those two were inseparable, they loved each other so much. To be torn apart like this is just... Wrong.

BRANDON: "Jessica... Are you okay?"


BRANDON: "I'm sorry. But listen up, we're going to do everything that we can to find out who killed Jason."

JESSICA: "Really...?"

BRANDON: "Really."

JESSICA: "Thank you so much Brandon! Is there anything that I can do to repay you?"

BRANDON: "I'm worried about your safety. So I want you to do something that comforts yourself for the time being... Go and bake a cake."

JESSICA: "Bake a cake... Oh okay, I got it. Bye Brandon! *Sings* I'm off to bake a cake! Lalalalala!"

I admire how she isn't choosing to fall to despair. I wish that I  could do that... I'll do everything that I can to ensure that this killer is caught RED HANDED!


BRANDON: "What is it Negrini?"


Dork Diaries: DORKANRONPA - Part 1Where stories live. Discover now