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NIKKI: "Now that they're out of the way.... There is a problem guys."

CHLOE: "What is the problem Nikki?"

NIKKI: "We kinda have 3 people who have gone into hiding, and we need to cheer them up. We can't let them live in their cabins forever..."

THEO: "You're right, and I can think of one person who can help them by listening to their problems right now."

MARCUS: "I know who can too..."

ZOEY: "Why is everyone staring at me? Wait a minute... ME?!"

NIKKI: "Of course, you're the 'Ultimate Psychiatrist', if anyone should know how to bring them back it's you Zoey."

ZOEY: "I don't know guys..."

CHLOE: "I'm right behind you Zoey!"

NIKKI: "Bring them back! Me, Theo and Marcus will set the stage at the bar."

It's going to feel so good to be back together as a band! Even if it's on a tropical island... And even if we're being forced to kill eachother...

Dork Diaries: DORKANRONPA - Part 1Where stories live. Discover now