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Maxwell's P.O.V:

So I'm stuck babysitting André...

And Nikki is nowhere to be seen. I guess that she doesn't want to spend her free time with me after all.

Just my damn luck...

Nevermind, there's nothing I can do about that now. André shouldn't starve to death.

I entered the room and in the middle of it I found André tied to a chair.

ANDRÉ: "Ah good evening Mr. Negrini I have been expecting you."

MAXWELL: "Quit screwing around, I'm here to bring you something to eat."

ANDRÉ: "That's great but oh dear... It looks like I'm a little tied up right now. Could you release me?"

MAXWELL: "Why would I do that? You're a danger to everyone here. You even said yourself that you were willing to commit murder."

ANDRÉ: "So stubborn... Could you at least feed me then?"

MAXWELL: "F-Feed you? What am I your mother?!"

ANDRÉ: "No."

MAXWELL: "Fine...Open wide here comes the plane."

ANDRÉ: "You seem... Tense."


ANDRÉ: "Is something bothering you?"

MAXWELL: "What isn't bothering me right now?! I'm stuck on an island with 17 other students-"

ANDRÉ: "15."

MAXWELL: "Okay... 15 other students and we're a being forced to kill each other!"

ANDRÉ: "Someone doesn't seem to enjoy this game."

MAXWELL: "A game? How could you call this a game?! People's lives are at stake..."

ANDRÉ: "That makes it the best kind of game!"

MAXWELL: "Grrrrr... You sound just like that bear. WAIT A MINUTE!!!"

ANDRÉ: "What is it?"


ANDRÉ: "Like I previously stated if you were listening... I wish that I was the one who set this game up. But unfortunately even I don't know who is behind all of this. Say, what's that in your back pocket?"

MAXWELL: "None of your damn business!"

ANDRÉ: "Ooooh! Is it a love note? I bet you're going to pass it on to someone! Mr Italian-American Casanova!"


ANDRÉ: "You shouldn't lie to me Maxwell. I can tell exactly when a person is lying."

MAXWELL: "Damn... You too?"

ANDRÉ: "A love note! Oh please tell me who it is to. I promise I won't teeeeell!"

MAXWELL: "I don't have to tell you anything, damn it... I should have just let you starve. Where is the 'Don't feed the animals' sign?!"

ANDRÉ: "Maybe your love note is directed towards...
-The popular Mackenzie Hollister?
- Ooooh maybe Jessica is having an affair! Poor Jason...
- Chloe or Zoey? Honestly I can't tell them apart...
- Violet? I don't think that she is too cool headed right now to accept a love note.
-Erin? What's left of her anyway...
-Marcy? Ooooohh wait how silly of me...
- Or maybe you swing for the same team?

No... That can't be it. I KNOW!"

MAXWELL: "..."

ANDRÉ: "Your love is for the kind but very very clueless Nikki Maxw- *PUNCH*"




ANDRÉ: "Go ahead, kill me. It will make the game so much more interesting. And oh how chivalrous you are... Attacking someone who is tied to a chair. Fair fight Mr mystery talent!"


MONOKUMA: "Whoa what do we have here?! I love a good fight in the morning!"

MAXWELL: "Wait... If Monokuma is being controlled... That means that-"

ANDRÉ: "I'm not the mastermind."

MONOKUMA: "Mastermind? Who's that?"

MAXWELL: "Shut up Kuma, just get the motive over and done with."

MONOKUMA: "Okay fine."


ANDRÉ: "That's hilarious! You're literally playing with our romantic feelings! What does my card say? Maxwell could you do the honors of picking it up for me?"

MAXWELL: "Get lost, I'll look at it but like hell am I ever going to give this to..."

ANDRÉ: "I believe that we now understand each other."

MAXWELL: "...I see. So that's your crush."

ANDRÉ: "Teehee, cute right?!"

MAXWELL: "Nobody must ever know about this. *Rips paper*"

ANDRÉ: "Ohhhhhhh you're no fun..."

What the hell is wrong with that guy?! He's so messed up. I just can't let him manipulate anyone...

Dork Diaries: DORKANRONPA - Part 1Where stories live. Discover now