Chapter 74, To be crowned...

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*Yami's POV*

It's only been a few months since the wedding and we have not had one day of peace at the palace. Everyday different news reporters have been coming up to question either me or Yugi on how the whole story happened. Seto has been trying to keep a lid on it but if we turn away too much press then we will get a bad rep...

"Ugh!! I'm so tired of all these reporters!!" I said and flopped down on my bed. Yugi was on his side of the bed and Seto and Joey were on the couch looking after Heba who was jumping around like jelly on a plate.

"How do you think I feel, they seem to want to ask me the most questions," Yugi said and kicked off his shoes and slipped his slippers on. "So is there any one else meant to come up this afternoon or are we finally free from the leash Kaiba?"

"You know Tyke you can call me Seto. And no for once you two are free. Which is perfect for me because I need a word with you," Seto said and gave Heba to Joey. "You do know that this country needs a King. I was going to wait until you turned 20 for this but the sooner this is done, the less the press will be bothering you."

I knew this day was coming, but I didn't expect it to be coming this soon. "So Tyke that means you will also become a ruler. But you do know that you won't a King right?" Seto asked and Yugi nodded his head. As King I need a Queen and that's his role, if we could he would share the same title but it can't be. "Don't worry, we'll know your real job is to keep this nutter straight."

Everyone stared to laugh, even Heba joined in as he was playing with his toys. This feels nice, to just be able to take a breath. It's a nice day why are we in? "Hey guys I'm going for a walk. Heba wanna come with daddy?" I said and Heba bounced to me and jumped in my arms. Before anyone could say something we were out the door and on the way to my favorite spot in the whole palace. 

Once we got to the garden I let Heba wonder around and he ran straight to the bush to where I first even met Yugi. I could see him. The 7 year old Yugi wondering into my garden with no knowledge to where he was. He even became friends with someone he has never met before, goes to so how much he trusted people right off the bat. "Heba this is where me and Papa met, when we were kids." I said and sat down.

"Really? Hehe that's funny," he said and flopped down next to me. I lay down and let my arms out, Heba snuggled up to me and we both stared up to the sky. "Daddy when will I meet someone?"

"You!" I yelled and shot up. He was smiling so bright as he was oblivious to what he asked. But I can't blame him he is just a child. 

"When your older Heba," I heard and turned to see Yugi coming over to join us. Heba ran over to him and he picked him up joining me on the ground. "Knew you were coming here. Why wouldn't you it's a nice day and I know you hate being inside. How you feel about becoming the King soon? Kaiba is sorting it out to have it tonight."

"That's a little soon with just talking to me about it today," I said and put myself back on the ground. I gained a laugh from Yugi as he joined me lying on the ground with Heba in between us. "I guess I'm going to have to be ready for this. This is just the next step in growing up, also I need to step up as the royal Prince. Someone has to take care of you two am I right?"

"I think me and Heba can take care of each other just fine. What do you say?" Yugi said and Heba agreed with him. We spent a few hours just sitting on the grass, I think the two of them feel asleep. I expected this from Yugi, the amount of things that have been going on with him it's hard to adjust for him. He's getting there though, a little bit of trouble here and there but that's to be expected.

"Hey Yami? You awake?" I heard and titled my head back to see Seto hovering over me. I moved Yugi a little off my arm and moved up a little. "Take that as a yeah, I guess Tyke already told you. I wanted to see if your ready for this because I have it for a few hours."

"T-That's a bit soon eh?" I asked and got on my knees to stand up. "I-I guess I have no choice eh? Should I wake him up then?" 

"Hold on a minute." he said and pulled out his phone. "You guys haven't got a family photo eh? Lie back down and I'll get you a photo." I did as he asked but realized that it was awkward with the two of them asleep so I closed my eyes as well. I heard the camera go off I opened my eyes and he was smiling at it. "Yeah this seems good. Now wake him up and come to the main hall."

"Got it," I said and he left. I shook Yugi awake leaving Heba to sleep away. "Aibou it's time." He moaned a little and got up but had grass in his hair. "Dummy, your hair is a mess. Come here for a minute." He shuffled to next to me and yawned a little, Heba seemed to be waking up.

"I wanna sleep for longer though...can't we ask Kaiba to leave it to tomorrow?" he asked and I shook my head. We got up after I finished fixing his hair and he picked up Heba carefully as he gets grouchy when he just wakes up.

Just a few hours from now...I'll be King. The ACTUAL King. Mother, Father I hope you guys are proud of how far I have grown. On how far Yugi has made me strong and how he has pulled me from the dark several times. I promise to make you both proud to call me your son and hope you can help to keep a eye on the family that I am apart of...

Now I know that I said that the previous chapter would be the last but then I remembered I still had things to do with these guys!! So a few more chapters will be coming out for this!!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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