Chapter 50, Unexpected...

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*Yugi's POV*

"DOGE YUGI!" my instructor yelled and I barley missed him, his fist grazed my face. He tried tripping me up but I side stepped him and made him fall. I went to attack again but he just put a hand up to stop me. "Hehe, that's enough for the night Yugi. You have done better then I thought, in fact your a bit ahead of Seto when he was doing this training. Are you sure that you haven't trained in the past?"

"No, I've done none of this." I said and helped him up from the ground. We walked over to the table we had set up and grabbed some water. "So what time do you want me to come back tomorrow?"

"Any time you want. Your welcome here whenever you want, but if you don't want the Prince to know then this time would be great," he said and showed me a bright smile. Seems like this guy doesn't know how not to smile, he is really cheerful. "Time for you to go to sleep before your sleep pattern is messed up and you turn into the Prince."

I nodded my head at him and left the room. While walking I didn't see that I was passing by Yami's room and saw that he was wide awake and reading a book. I tried running past but he saw me and called me in. I let a little sigh and looked at my face in a window, I looked a mess and had a little cut on my face. 

I walked in and  he noticed straight away I was a mess. "Woah what happened to you? Looks like you were caught in a fight with a crocodile," he joked and put his book down and patted on the bed for me to sit down. I went to sit with him and he grabbed my face. "So you gonna tell me?"

"I-I was out walking and a dog attacked me. Didn't bite me so I'm good!" I said and punched my chest. He didn't look impressed but didn't say anything either. "So how long are you going to be stuck in this room for?"

"Th nurses said they'll keep me here for two more days then I can come back with you to my room. If you still wanna be there," he said and winked at me. I could feel my face growing red and turned away from him making him laugh. "So how long will you stay here anyway? Not that I'm trying to get rid of you, I would love if you and your grandpa came and stayed here."

"Well I definitely wanna go down and see how he is soon, but I think I'll come back up and tell him we are doing a big project for school so I'm staying over for a while," I said and saw his smile get bigger if that was a thing. I decided to sit with him for a bit and we just ended up taking about a load of nonsense. But it's the little things that mater. The clock went to 3am and I felt really awake. 

"Hey Yugi, aren't you tired?" he asked and I shook my head. "Heh, I guess you've picked up one of my habits by accident. Not healthy ya know. Go back to the room to try and sleep."

I did as he asked and went back to his room, or 'our room' and flopped down on my bed with the puzzle landing next to my head. My mind went back to the charts I read about his history. If I'm his body guard and become stronger, could I stop things from that happening again? 

I realized I didn't have a change of cloths with me so I climbed into my bed with the cloths I had on and tried to sleep but it didn't come. Maybe a little jog would tire me down. I headed to the garden and left through the hole in the wall and went jogging.  I went all over the city, this is my first time going out at night and it has never been this calm. 

Something caught my nose, is that smoke? There's nothing in the air so where is this coming from? I followed the scent and found a crashed car with someone lying on the ground. Wait...that's Atem!! I ran to him and pulled him away from the car. "Atem, Atem snap out of it!" I yelled and shook him a little. He started to stir a little and opened his eyes. 

"Y-Yugi...?" he asked and tried to get up but I kept him down. "D-Damn you Pegasus...L-Listen Yugi, he's up to something...he..." he closed his eyes again and let himself rest in my arms. 

"Atem! Hey stay awake!!" I yelled but he didn't wake up. I forced him onto my back and stumbled my way back to the palace. I was trying to get up the hill but fell with Atem landing on me. "C-Come on Atem!! I need you to wake up now!!!"

"Tyke? What's going on here? Midnight stroll or something?" I heard and found Kaiba's car parked on the other side with Joey in the back. "Wait is that Atem?"

"Yes! Now do my a favor and help him off of me!!" I yelled and he grabbed him putting him in the car with Joey who was flipping out. I forgot, when Joey was trying to find me he got beat up by Atem's men. "Joey I'm sorry but deal with it for now!"

I jumped into the back with them while Kaiba went to the front with the driver. "What happened Yuge!?! Why were you two out late at night alone!" he yelled and moved Atem from off of him. I pulled Atem to me and laid him down on my lap.

"I found him in a car crash, look I know things aren't good right now but just bare with me for now. Kaiba get us up there fast!" I yelled and car sped up the hill and into the palace. Kaiba called for the nurses to come get him and he was dragged off in a stretcher. 

Man one thing happens after the other, trouble always finds it's way to the boys doesn't it? So what happened to Atem? What does he mean about Pegasus?

Oh yeah, a little anime that inspired me to even do this story is Snow White with the Red Hair or Akagami no Shirayuki-Hime. This story was going to the exact same with Yugi being Shriayuki but I decided against it. Sorry I'm rambling ^.^ 

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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