(Re upload) Chapter 39, Losing Hope...

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*Yami's POV*

I woke up the next day with a pounding headache and almost didn't want to get out of bed. The only thing that got me out was the motivation to find Yugi. I had a quick shower and tried to dry my hair but it takes like 20 minutes. I also only brought in a change of pants so I needed to go out shirtless, I wonder if Joey is up. When I returned to my room with the towel wrapped around my neck I saw that Joey was up but staring at me.

"Heh, see your not afraid to show off. Do you work out much because you are RIPPED dude," he said and I realized I walked out with no top on.

"Ah sorry about that, force of habit. But yeah I kind of need to be strong because if I ever got caught I need to be able to fight back. Seto is not too keen on me doing this but when do I ever listen to the guy?" I said and he just erupted in laughter. He went and got changed while I got changed and looked at my puzzle on the desk. I feel like this is going to be the day were we find something, I know it.

Once Joey came out and got changed we went down to the dinner hall and got breakfast but Seto was no where to be found. I stopped a maid walking past and asked where he was. "Sorry Sire but he hasn't returned. He has been out since late last night and didn't say where he was going."

I thanked her and let her go on her way, but that is really confusing. Where could he have been the entire night? We ate our food and was getting ready to head to school but one of the big guards stopped us. "We apologize but you two can't leave this palace, there is some suspicious people wondering around so you need to stay in. We have altered the school."

"Hey come on Bud!! We need an education! Also our friend Yuge is still out there! He could be in more danger then us!" Joey yelled and I had to hold him back from throwing a punch. I pulled him back to my room and he started to pace. "Come on Yami we can't just stay here while Kaiba is off somewhere probably looking for him!"

"Joey if we go out then when we come back I feel like Seto would kill us mainly me. I'll go get a team and we'll all head out but just wait here please?" I asked and he gave up, sitting on his bed. I went to the main guards room and asked if a few would come out with us to search. They agreed and I had to head back to my room to grab Joey.

A cold breeze came from the bottom of my door and the handle was even cold. Opening it slightly, I saw that the window was wide open and Joey was no where in sight. I ran over to the window and saw him on the ground running away from the palace. He is going out to search for him...

The team arrived in my room and I had to tell them what had happened. One of the guards said that they would dispatch from us and go off to find him. After grabbing my jacket, my phone and putting my puzzle around my neck we headed off searching all tiny places of the city. We put up missing posters and asked around if anyone saw him but we came up with nothing in the end.

In the car I kept my eyes glued outside just looked for a hint, just a sign that he was near. We came across a more quiet part of the city and was stuck at the lights. A little light came from my chest and I saw that a shimmer was coming from the puzzles eye. This has never happened before, what does it mean?

I got out of the car, with two of the guards following me and I walked around a bit. The light was growing more and more strong as we were moving to another abandoned place. But it was an abandoned game shop. I stopped in front of the door and saw the light glow even brighter. This was enough to send me flying through the place scanning everywhere I could and found a set of stairs. With every step, the floor under me would squeak sending shivers up and down my spine. There was only two rooms on the upstairs and one of them I couldn't even get in because the roof had collapsed.

The only room, the door was closed and had scratch marks on it. I didn't want to touch the door handle so I kicked it open, bringing two of the guards up from the sound. "Joey!" I yelled and saw him collapsed on the floor. I grabbed him and set him laying on my lap. "Come on, snap out of it wake up!"

He began to stir and when he opened his eyes, he grabbed my shoulders and began to tremble. "I-I-I almost h-had him. H-he was here Y-Yami..." he mumbled and I nodded my head. The guards took him downstairs with two others coming up to watch me.

But what I found on the bedside table horrified me. It was Yugi's puzzle with a note, same hand writing as the last note...My puzzle had stopped glowing and I saw a little light from Yugi's, as if it was glowing before hand. It's like they were calling out to each other, trying to find the other. I grabbed the note with a shaking hand and read through it, but a picture at the bottom made me cry like a baby.

Tut tut tut, haven't we asked you to stay away? We didn't expected the blond one to come here so of course this is where we was. We decided to relocate as we are not done with precious Yugi. BUT just to be nice we have left his puzzle with a picture of him! He will be back to you if you behave in 4 days.

Yugi was tied up in a chair...beaten up with cuts and bruises everywhere. His eyes were open but he looked lifeless...If I never got involved with him this wouldn't of happened. It's because of my selflessness of wanting to be with him he has gotten hurt.

What have I done....

This a sad day in the story. Who knows what has happened to Yugi or to where he has been moved to. But the question is, who has him? Also where is Kaiba? Let me know if this chapter is readable, I'm still worried for this.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!!

Also I find this video really cute as. Well just compare Yugi to the start of the series to now, without the influence of Yami I don't think he would EVER take that tone with Kaiba. Lol. (Video is not mine!!!)

The Title Doesn't Mean Anything (Puzzleshipping)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें