Chapter 37, Frantic search...

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*Yami's POV*
Seto came up the stairs and found me hugging myself on the floor. "I...guess we were too late. I'm sorry if only I would of came here earlier then I could of helped..." he said but I didn't raise my head from the ground. 

"N-N-No it's not your f-fault..." I mumbled and even though I tried to sound happy nothing came out. Seto got me up from the floor and placed me on the bed. I saw the note and reached to grab it.

Dear whoever finds this,

Precious little Yugi is now in our care and will be for a while. We have heard that he is trouble so we plan on 'teaching' him how to behave like a normal human. We will return him soon but until then don't worry!!

Yugi's babysitter!! dare they!! I scrunched up the note and threw it into the bin. "Seto! We are going back to the palace and doing an instant search for him!" I yelled and got up from the bed and stormed away. I told Seto to grab Joey and bring him with us, his grandpa woke up and said he would stay and repair the shop.

Once we got back to the palace I hurried to the rest of the guards and told them what had happened. Seto went out with them and I watched them go out, leaving me and Joey. "It will be alright Yami, Kaiba will find him I know he will."

"B-But Joey, I'm a Prince and I wasn't able to protect him. I'm his boyfriend but I wasn't there for him. I' complete idiot. I told him I felt off but I didn't do anything..." I said and walked over the door. "Damn it!!" I punched the wall and kept going until Joey had to stop me from either breaking it, or my knuckles but they were already bleeding.

"Calm yourself. Hurting yourself won't help Yugi. I saw while Kaiba is out me and you go out on our own. Who knows? We might find something?" he said and opened the door. Seto would kill me if I went out without a guard, but the more important problem here is Yugi. 

I nodded my head to Joey and we took off but before we did,Joey got some bandages for my hand and wrapped me up but it didn't fix the pain. Avoiding the guards and sneaking through the bush me and Yugi used to go through we made our way into the city. They won't be in plain sight, so it needs to be a place hidden away from the others, but would really do something that obvious? "Joey is there any abandoned houses or something like that?"

"Yeah a few but would they be there is the question. I mean that is a little cliche ain't it?" he asked but it was better to check. He went on goggle maps and showed me where they where, most of them were really close to each other so we didn't need to spend time running to the next.

The first one we tried was a two story mansion and looked liked someone still lived here but Joey said that no one has been in here in months and he saw the people leave. "This house is a bust, we need to keep moving. You ready?" Joey asked and we left that one and moved to the next which was a five minute walk. 

It had the same stories but it looked not as fancy. Why do all of these look normal? Neither less, I went to the second story while Joey stayed on the bottom. I heard a creack under my foot and before I had any time to react. "Baaaaa!" The floor gave away under me and my foot went through. The sharpness of the wood cut my trousers and left cuts and blood trickling down my leg.

"Nice leg. Haha You alright up there!?!" Joey called out and I didn't know to laugh or yell at him.

"Oh har har your so funny. Now how bout coming up here and giving me a hand?" I asked and he went from my sight. I tried to get out myself but when I put pressure on the wood, I heard it creaking even more. I'm not even going to bother trying to do this.

Joey came up and just laughed at my state. He got out his phone and took a small picture of me.I just gave him a death glare and he shrugged. "What? If these places were switched then you would have done the same." 

"Just help me up will ya?" I said and he grabbed my arms. He brought me up and dragged me away from the weak floor. "Thanks. Did you find anything down there? I haven't manged to search up here yet." He shook his head at me and agreed to help look around. There was 3 rooms in total, two bedrooms and a bathroom. 

I went to open the door to one room but I felt really bad chills. Brushing this aside, I opened the door and saw just a bed and a table. But there was a letter on the bed, it was the same hand writing from the note back in the game shop.

"See Joey! We're on the right track!!!" I yelled and felt warm  on the inside. 

Dear Prince boy, 

I take it as you have found this note and is on the hunt for little Yugi, but didn't I say that he was in good care?? OOO I'm afraid that you have messed up now he is going to be 'taught' more for making the Prince for wondering the streets. If you want Yugi to return safe then stay away from the streets for one whole week. Thanks!! Love ya.

Yugi's babysitter.

"....I'm....just hurting him...Joey we're being watched." I said and hugged myself. My feet were trembling, I couldn't hold myself up so I slammed against the wall. "No this person knows everything...I need to find him!"

"Yami calm down!" Joey yelled and grabbed my shoulders. I kept my head to the ground so Joey slapped me to knock me out of my trance. "Ok you are going to listen to me!! Yuge is counting on us to save him so if you break down now we won't have a chance!!"

I held the spot to where he slapped me and looked him dead in the eyes. "Joey...but if I'm out then he'll just get hurt! What am I supposed to do!?!"

"Let me handle it, for now let's get you back. Your in no state to keep looking. And remember your leg. We need to get you checked out but Kaiba won't be happy with us," he said and led me out of the house. What do I do, if this person is watching me then I can't search for him but I NEED to find him....

This is just a little update as I had a small break and didn't need to study today or tomorrow but I will throughout the weekend. It is the same that I finish on the 18th so I should be normal then. So yeah....Yami is flipping a bit. What is Kaiba gonna say when he finds out he left? When will Yugi be found? How is this going to affect Yami?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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