Chapter 9, Years on...

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*Yami's POV*
"Seto I swear if  your trying something again, I will punch you and I won't let you off so easy like last time," I said and stumbled ahead. Seto was behind me and was holding my eyes shut.

"Oh shut up and keep walking. Open your eyes once and I'll make one of them blue," he said and made me trip up. He was controlling were I was walking since he had a hold of my arms with a free arm. Soon later we got in front of a room and he let go of my arms. "Don't you dare open your eyes. You hear me sire?"

I nodded my head and he left me to stand like a headless chicken. After a few short minutes of silence I heard doors open right in front of me. "Alright open them!" I heard Seto yell and shot them open.

"Surprise!" Everyone yell and made me jump back. Everyone from the palace was in the ball room with balloons and some other party stuff.  "Happy birthday Yami!!"

"Come here my boy!" The King yelled and I slowly made my way in. As soon as I sood beside him, he threw an arm around me and let out a massive laugh. "This boy right here, will be a great King. I can feel it in my bones. His wife will be a lucky woman to be with!"

Heh, a wife. Right now my only ambition is to dissolve this marriage arrangement and return home to mother...and Yugi. Father's anniversary is coming up so me and mother will visit him. I still have nightmares of the news I was told 8 years ago. His car skidding off a cliff,  no one survived.

I also haven't had time to visit Yugi either....I feel like a horrible friend. Mother has sent me letters every week, telling how he has been. He's going through school and since I haven't had the time to be a proper teenager she is letting me join his school.

"Yami happy birthday!  Finally able to do what you want?" Rebecca said behind me. She hasn't really been supporting this arrange marriage but we have both been pretending.  Instead we have became great friends and have had a lot of laughs throughout the years. She leanded into me and whispered "No matter what I'll support you all the way."

I gave her a head nod and she went off to talk to her friends. I wish I had the freedom when I was a kid that she has now. My parents were always weary about me being with people...but not with Yugi. Mother was fine with him since he seemed so innocent,  not even recognising me as the prince at first glance.

"Sire, the car is waiting for whenever you want to leave," Seto said and I couldn't be more happier.  But I couldn't leave when I have just arrived. Seto went off with his dutys, even though I told him to take it easy.

It when on until 11 at night and only then I decided to head for home. The King and Rebecca saw us off. "Take care my boy, these years have been fun," the King said and patted my back.

"Hey Yami, did you ever finish that puzzle you were working on all the time?" Rebecca asked and I turned to face her. "Oh how did I not notice? That chain and the colour of it goes great! Safe travels Yami."

After a finale goodbye,  me and Seto took a step into the car and the long journey home. "Yami I still can't believe that you spend most of your time with that weird object. Did Yugi give you that because I don't feel like you would bother with it if it was another."

I don't know why but I felt my face going warm, I wonder why? "For your information Seto, we made a promise to have both of them finished before we met with each other. I intend to keep that promise, " I said and held the puzzle in my arms.

Seto didn't bother me for the journey once again but since the puzzle was complete I had nothing to do. my mind was left to wonder and question everything. How is mother doing? Has anything changed in the palace? How has...Yugi grown up? I have so many questions for him when I see him. My heart is pounding so much, it's starting to hurt.

I closed my eyes for a bit and all I could see was the times me and Yugi spent when we were kids. When we snook out to have fun, when I had to take him home but the best moment was when we were sitting on the hill. That sight was something to never forget, and if it wasn't for Yugi coming into my life I wouldn't of seen it until I was this age.

Yugi...Mother...I'm coming home. Wait for me because it won't be long until we have arrived. 

Eeee Yamis going home!! He will be returning to his mother and Yugi do the next chapter he will see his mom.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter,  if so let me know down beloe and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!! also thanks to everyone for 100 reads!! This gives me hope that I can move from wattpad an work on proper books in the future

The Title Doesn't Mean Anything (Puzzleshipping)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora