Chapter 18, A day just being normal...

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*Yugi's POV*
I wonder how a good day would be? By the sound of it Yami hasn't had a lot of freedom as a child. The cinema is always a good choice, maybe an arcade to finsh the day. "Hey Yami you done changing yet!?! While we still have sunlight!!"

I left Yami in the guest room to change with the cloths I set out for him. He came out of the room and...well he was more ripped then I thought... Also forgot the t-shirt is sleeve less. "M-Man you look like you work out even when you sleep Yami."

He just rubbed his neck, turning his gaze from me. "Well when I was little I used to always go to the gym. Kind of stuck with me I guess," he said and it was funny to see him getting embarrassed. After I put the closed sign up and locked the doors, we headed out.

"Now we kind of need to be careful, guards or people from the school may be out. Here I have something," I said and reached to my back pack. I put in two hoodies in because I had a bad feeling. "Our hair makes us stick out. So if anyone comes by stick this on."

He agreed with me and put it on, taking off his over shirt. "Now first on the agenda, snacks!" I yelled and put my arm out to stop him. We were in front of the little convenient store and went in to buy food. Just chocolate and crisps, the drinks at the cinema can't be beat.

As we were making our way to the pictures, Yami grabbed my wrist and dragged me into an ally. "Guards were up a head." he said and flipped his hood up. I tried reaching up to get mine but my arms were trapped behind my back.

"Yami...I can't get it..." I mumbled and kept struggling to move them. But with how close we were together one wrong move would cause us to fall out. I felt something light touch my head and looking up a little Yami had fixed my hood. But it didn't cover my face and the guards were getting closer.

"Sorry Yugi, this is only for a minute." Yami said and leaned forward to me, putting his head on the left side of me and covered me. My whole face started to get warm but I tried to ignore it. I heard a lot of footsteps walk past us and it felt like a lot of weight was took off my shoulders. Cause when I looked at Yami he was back up.

"I think they're gone now....we should get out," I said and started to wiggle out. Yami let me out first but we both stumbled out. We let out a nervous laugh and went on with the day. The movie we watched was a cheesy duelling tournament about two guys on a island and after went to the local arcade.

"Hey Yugi, what's that game?" Yami asked and pointed to the dancing game. I used to be really good at dancing, but when Tea started dancing I stopped and went to learn Duel Monsters.

"Yami your in for a whirlwind of pain. I challenge you to a dance battle!" I yelled and went to it, Yami trailing behind me. I put a coin in and let him chose the song.

"Yugi I'll warn you now, I'm not too clever at this," he warned me and took off his jacket. I followed suit and piled them on the side. The song started to play and we moved in sync, like we were dancers practicing for a show. He said he was bad at this, but he is so good! People started to gather up, watching us and clapping away...

After the song and on the way home...
"A draw....And you said you were bad, yeah right! Next time I'll wipe the floor with you!" I yelled and had a drink of my smoothy. Yami just chuckled at me and gazed out at the city lights.

After the song finished we turned to see we had a lot of people behind us. They clapped for us and some even said we both looked like the Prince. Nerve racking much? But we got out before any questions could get asked. We were walking through the city to get back to mine and I've never seen Yami so happy. "Someone is really pepped up."

"Yes, it's been a while since I could be myself. I know this isn't permanent as I will need to go back....but I'm so grateful for you Yugi," he said and made me get flushed.

"Come on Yami your gonna make me blush!" I said and diverted my attention to the shops that were closed. We were almost at the game shop until Yami stopped dead in his tracks. "Yami? What's up?"

"Tyke I'm sorry but he's coming back with me," I heard and spun round to see Kaiba...with two guards standing behind him. Yami had a face of horror on him as he saw them and took a step towards me. "Yami. Come here now."

0-0 They have been found!! Kaiba knew something was wrong at the game shop and eventually he tracked them down.... what's gonna happen next?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

also a side note, THANK YOU FOR THE READS AND VOTES! I may sound like a broken record but writing is an escape from school. It gives me time to just relax and it's makes me happy that people enjoy my stories ^w^

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