Chapter 27, Embrace the feelings...

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*Yami's POV*

"Hey Yugi, you alright your face is a little red," I said as he took the empty seat beside me. He handed me the food but didn't look at me, have I done something wrong?

"I-It's nothing Yami don't worry. So what have your thoughts of the arena? Have you enjoyed it?" he asked. I couldn't speak because my mouth was full. I swallowed as fast as I could and went to answer him but the main speaker switched on.

"Attention all visitors! There is a duel in the arena between a competitor for the title of King of Games!!" it said ad switched off. We finished our food and quickly went to the arena. Once we got there, I saw a man with long white hair and an eye different from his other and the other person was...Seto!?!?!

"Sorry Kaiba boy but I'm ending it with this," the man said and placed a card down. Then a bright light filled the battlefield forcing us to shield our eyes. Once it was clear and we could see again, I saw that the field was clear. "And that's a wrap, maybe you should just stick with what your good at."

I jumped over the barrior and went straight to Seto but looking at the man I got shivers. "Seto you never told me you duelled? What's that all about?" I asked and helped him up from the ground. I saw he had some weird machine on his wrist with his deck inserted in it.

"Oho! It's young Prince Yami Sennen! I have heard so much about you!" the man said and came over to us. He held out his hand to me and I was unsure to trust him or not. Having a quick look at Seto he was nodded his head at me so I took his hand. "My name is Maximilian Pegasus and I created the duel monsters but a young Prince such as yourself mustn't have time for that."

"How do you know about me? Seto hasn't said anything about me," I said and he just let out a little laugh. I saw Yugi was running to us and I tried telling him to go back but he couldn't hear me. He joined my side and this Pegasus guy just stared him down. I pulled Yugi closer to me and whispered "don't tell him anything alright?"

"Well well. This is quiet the surprise, This young man looks exactly like you. Young one what is your name?" he asked and Yugi stayed silent like I asked him. I stood in front of him and he hid behind my back. "Young Prince I believe I asked him the question."

"Well I don't care if you asked him what his name is. It doesn't matter because we won't see you again. Come on," I said and grabbed his arm. We started to walk away but I took a glance back and saw Pegasus smiling at us. We got to the front doors and only then I let go of him. "Something about him doesn't seem right."

"Um Yami, thanks for getting me out of there? I guess but what about him has you on the edge?" Yugi asked and I couldn't even answer. I don't understand it myself but just being beside him makes me uneasy. "Let's try not to worry too much. He shouldn't be a bother now."

He's right, there is only a small time for this trip left. It's not that often that I can go on a trip, let alone be away from Seto. We agreed to finish looking around the building and even most of the shops. This whole trip, just spending the time with him has been great. Apart from when that Pegasus guy showed up this day...It has actually felt like we have been on a date.

Am love with him? How can I confirm this? The only two things I do know is that I get butterflies in my stomach when he is near me and when we kissed....I didn't dislike it. I might need to talk to someone to give me a hand and the best person might be Joey. "Hey Yugi can we go find Joey and the others?" I asked and he agreed with no questions.

After a bit of searching we found them outside the gift shop. Tea jumped when she saw Yugi but he slid behind me. "Joey can I have a little word with you alone?" I asked and dragged him off. "Listen I need you to help me out with something."

After explaining my feelings and Joey listened to all, he finally gave me advice. "If you do love him, spend more time with him and you'll see then. I'll even give ya a hand if you want," he said and winked at me.

He was the one who made us what would he do next? I'm kind of scared but... it's good to have someone helping me.

Aww he us finally admitted it. Also Joey is being a good little side man. So Pegasus is in the matter? What part does he has? And what's his business with Kaiba?

Also we have hit over 1k reads on this story!! I really hope you guys have been enjoying this story and thank you so much!! I hope to keep doing a good job.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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