Chapter 45, Words becoming true...

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*Yami's POV*

The time came to 5:50, soon enough the whole palace would be alive and full. Loss of sleep has come to be a trouble with me now so I wasn't worried that I would have no energy to do anything. I glanced over at Yugi and saw him tossing and turning, is he having a nightmare? I got up from my bed and decided that I should try to wake him up. "Yugi? Hey Yugi come on wake up," I said and shook him a little.

He let out a blood curtailing scream which sent me to the floor from shock. I got up and saw him trembling and covered in sweat."Yugi, it's alright. I'm here." I said and went to put a hand on him but he turned to me and his face...Ra his face looked like he had seen a ghost. 

"NO! GET AWAY FROM ME!" he yelled and smacked away my hand. I held my own hand and saw him backing away from me. Please...don't let this be true someone... "I TRUSTED YOU! HOW COULD YOU LET THAT HAPPEN!"

Seto came barging in and saw what was going, dropped his head and put his hands on my back forcing me out. He closed the door and I slumped on the wall and slid down to the ground. "It's as Atem said...I'm sorry Yami," he said and went to put a hand on my shoulder but I shrugged him off. "Yami don't be that way."

"Leave me alone," I mumbled and Seto went to grab me again but this time I shot up and pushed him away. "Leave me the hell alone!" I ran off and found myself at the garden, where everything began. I dropped to the bush we used to meet up at and broke down. 

I-It's as Atem said...he hates me. I was too late and now he hates me! If I just been faster, if I just been more smarter he wouldn't be this way!! I curled up into a ball and let the tears come out, not caring who saw me. Yugi was my motive, he was my light, my Aibou. And now. Thanks to my actions, he hates me...

*Seto's POV*

I saw him run away and left him, thinking it would be better for him to be on his own. So it's true, Tyke now hates him. That has got to be hitting him hard. Tyke is his first big relationship, the first person to regain his love. That bond is now broken. I made my way to Joey's room and strolled in without knocking like I normally do. "Hey Seto, what's up? Woah you look like your about to break, what happened?" 

"Joey, I'm sorry but I need you to come with me. We have a problem," I said and he came with me. We made our way to Yami's room and stood outside the door. "Don't ask any questions, just come in with me and you'll see." I could tell by his face he was confused but agreed to do it. 

We went in and saw Tyke was sitting over the bed, his feet dangling off the bed. "Hey Yuge your up!" Joey yelled and when he turned around he gave us a half smile. Joey went over to him and sat on the bed next to him while I stayed at the door. "So how was your snooze eh?"

"I-I'm fine but I need to ask something," he said and turned to then back to Joey. "Why am I here at HIS HOME AFTER WHAT HE DID TO ME!?!" Joey got an obvious fright by this and backed a little from Tyke's outburst. "J-Joey...I trusted him. I loved him and he broke that trust so why am I here!?! I don't wanna be here. I wanna go home..."

"Yuge. I see I have a lot of explaining to do. I don't understand much but from what I have heard and saw I can tell you whatever you ask me so fire away," he said and Tyke looked up. I could see him started to cry but tried to fight it.

"For starters. W-Why was I tortured and captured by Yami if he 'loved me?' Was it all just a stupid lie he made up to trick me? W-Was I an idiot?" he asked and there was nothing he could do to stop the tears from flowing from him.

"H-Hey that's wasn't Yami, it was Atem." Joey said but Tyke just shook his head. "What?"

"No you lie as well! I saw Yami just standing there while I was punched, kicked and whatever else they did to me!! Do you know how long I cried from him to save me? How long I missed him and wanted to be saved but for him to do that!!?" he cried and buried his head into his hands. "I-I never want to see him again."

I. I can't believe what I'm hearing. There is no way on telling him that it was Atem and not Yami. "Joey, I'll be back soon. Stay here until I return alright?" I asked and he nodded. When I was getting ready to leave, I looked back and saw Tyke crying in Joey's chest. I wondered around and tried to find Yami but he was no where to bee seen. 

Another guard was passing by so I stopped him. "Excuse me but have you seen the young Sire?" I asked but didn't come out with anything. I kept going until I saw the balcony that lead to the garden. I thought back, to when his mother was still with us and laughing at the young you and Tyke as she allowed him to stay. Back then, you were so happy just to have a friend. I went to the edge and looked down to find someone slipping out of the hole Tyke used to come from. 

Yami? Yeah, there's no way that that's not him! I jumped over the balcony and landed on the bush below softening my fall. "Yami wait!" I screamed but it was too late as he went through the hole and took off. I was too big to fit through so I ran back to his room out of breath. Joey and Tyke turned to me and Joey came to me side. "We have a major problem. Yami has ran off and he is in no state to be on his own!"

I saw the horror in Joey's eyes and had a quick glance at Tyke. He looked confused, whenever to not to care or to get up and find him. "Well we're gonna have to go out and find him before anything happens to him!! Yuge I-," Joey said and turned to him. "Your gonna need to trust me and wait here until I come back. Please."

"But Joey. I can't. I just," he stumbled but sighed in defeat. "Hurry back please. I need to ask a lot more." Joey nodded at him and we both left, gathering a few men and going out to search for him.

o-0 ummm double upload!! I wanted to do one more and hey, it let's me chill. So the horror words that Atem told us has become true. Yugi now hates Yami and wants nothing to do with him. Where is Yami going? Will Joey be able to make Yugi see it wasn't Yami? Will these two boys EVER GET PEACE!?! With me as the writer, not for the time being!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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