Chapter 14, Something's Wrong...

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*Yami's POV*
The next morning, the alarm woke me up instead of myself getting up. The loud ringing was going straight through my ear so I tried to bash the alarm. Didn't work so I tried again but...I ended up out my bed.

"Good morning Sire, up and out your bed before your mother? Now that's a record," I heard and turned to see the imfoumous Seto.

"Mind telling me why each morning you just let yourself into my room? While I'm still sleeping may I add!?!" I yelled and got my school top.

He just turned his head but not before throwing my tie at me. I got changed into the uniform and before leaving I grabbed my deck and my puzzle, then I headed out.

*No one's pov*
Yami left his room but Kaiba stayed back. He clenched his fists and even started to cry. "Seto, your needed right away in the main throne room," someone called from his walk talkie. 

He had to look outside and saw only the guards, no sign of Yami. He started to walk but lost his balance. If it wasn't for a dip in the wall, he would of fell straight to the floor. After a lot of stumbles, he got to the main throne room and went to knock but the door opened.

"Seto...thank you so much for coming," someone said and hugged him. It was another guard that regularly talked to Kaiba about how Yami and Yugi's friendship was doing. "Please stay off school today, the lady would appreciate that."

Kaiba didn't speak at first, but he agreed with the one thing on his mind. How would Yami be without him?

*Yami's POV*
"Where's Seto? Is he coming or what?" I asked and kept my eye on the gate. It closed as we were driving away. Has something come up?

"I'm sorry young master but it appears master Seto has been asked to stay here. It's just you today," the driver said and rolled up the window. Hmph, what's got him all twisted. I was just scrolling through my phone until I got a notification from Facebbok.

Yugi Muto has sent you a friends request. Acept or decline?

I didn't even knew I had this. Oh well, we could talk outside of class now! I accepted it and it came up we were friends and I got a message as soon as. Yugi had asked me that if I was coming in.

Hm I'll give him a little fright. I left the message without a reply. A few minutes after we got to the school and Yugi was waiting for me at the front. "Hey you never answered me! You on your own today? "

"Yeah Seto got held back for something back home. No clue what for though," I said and got outside the car.

We started to the school and soon enough we were joined with his friends. "Hey guys Yami's gonna join us today. Treat him like the rest of us," Yugi said and looked back at me. With a little glance to him, I had a look at the others and Joey the blonde hair one had an confused face on him

"Hey Yami can I have a word with ya for a minute?" Joey asked and I agreed to go with him. We weren't that far from the others but away from ears. "Your Yuge's friend from way back aren't ya?"

"Wait how do you know this? Did Yugi mention me to you?" I asked in a whisper. He nodded his head and that gave me a little smile. "I want your help. I want him to remember what we had in the past."

"Sure dude anything for a pal but listen to me. You hurt Yugi then you'll be hurting, Prince or not. All clear?"he asked and sent a shiver down my spine. He just smacked my back and we returned to the others.

*Meanwhile, back witb Kaiba*
I had to walk out, seeing her in that state is too much for me to handle. She fell asleep not too long ago but the doctor is still working.  The door opened and the doctor with a guard walked out and joined me on the bench.

"It's as we feared. Her medical history has never been strong so it was only a matter of time. I give her...6 days. It might be best to not tell the young master about this so soon." The doctor said.

First the this is happening to the Queen. But hiding it from Yami is gonna kill my insides. He's trying to get tyke to remember him but now this? He's a teenager, yeah he's the Prince but he's still a normal kid. How am I going to lie to him, to lie about his lie that she will not be with him for his eighteenth...

All aboard the feals train. Cho cho! This idea actually came from one of my friends. I had other things planned but this sounded better.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

side note, thank you everyone for the votes and reads!! I love you all!!

The Title Doesn't Mean Anything (Puzzleshipping)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt