Chapter 57, Looking at the filed...

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*Yami's POV*

"Well that's everything I wanted to ask you right now. I'll leave you for now Atem, but I'll see you again soon. Maybe Yugi will come in then," I said and joined Seto. Atem gave me a quick nod and we left the room to find Joey and Yugi. "Joey I would like to borrow Yugi for a bit."

Joey looked like he was about to cry, but when he was about to go away he grabbed Seto's arm and dragged him away a little distance away. "He's a little upset that I said I was going to fight with you and Kaiba. Speaking of shouldn't we head out and make sure that we don't get sneaked attacked?" Yugi said and looked at his phone.

"Here look. The biggest gap between here and Pegasus's palace is a big field. We could go there and camp to monitor his movements." Yugi said and zoomed in.

"Looks like there's a forest as well. Could help if we got into any trouble." I said and Yugi nodded in agreement. the first time  had have any major trouble with a neighboring palace without my parents...And now Yugi, Seto and and everyone else here in the palace is at risk. 

"I'll go talk to Seto about this, go to the Army room and gear up...We'll leave soon," I said and now, only now everything was sinking in. Everything is ridding on me to do a good job, on me to keep everyone alive if things go south. When Yugi was going to Seto, I froze in the spot and started to feel sick.

"Hey Yami, you alright bud?" Joey asked and my vision went blurry for a minute. 

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine. I'll meet you guys back in the throne room." I said and stumbled off. I went to the bathroom and actually threw up in the toilet. My head and body is aching, I'm going to get someone killed! How am I meant to do this when I have never been prepared for this!?!

Footsteps came inside the bathroom and I stayed in the stall I was in. "Yami I know you're in here," I heard and knew it was Yugi. I don't want him to see me in this state, I need to make sure everyone sees me as a strong willed person. "Yami please come out of there."

He knocked on the door and I gave up, unlocking it and showing myself. I pulled the lever and flushed the toilet. "Pathetic aren't I. I'm supposed to be ready for this type of thing and I'm acting like this." I said and stood up holding my arm. "Come on, Seto is waiting."

I walked out and past Yugi and went for the door but Yugi grabbed my arm. "You need to stop," he said and I looked back at him. He had his head down. He started to push me and made my back hit the wall. "You need to stop acting so though when your scared!"

"I-I don't have any idea what your on about. Come on, lets go ok?" I said and grabbed his hands trying to move them from my shoulders but he didn't budge. "Yugi...come on."

"NO! I want you to stop this tough act! You need to realize that we are here to help and your not on your own!" he yelled and put more pressure on his grip. "Yami you need to realize that your not alone. Rely on me more please. I hate seeing you sad."

He put his head on my chest and I just smiled at him. Only him can make me happy when I'm down...only him. "Yugi. I'm sorry. I'll try to be different I promise." I said and wrapped my arms around him. We didn't want to stay in there for long as it was the toilets so we soon enough made our way out. "Are you still set on fighting with me?" 

"Yes that's not even a question," he said as we were walking down the halls. I have never noticed but the walls are so empty and blank. I don't want Yugi to fight, because if something happens to him I will never forgive myself.

We got to my throne room and Seto and Joey were waiting for us, Seto looked ready to go with other stuff which I guessed was Yugi's. "Yugi has told us what the plan is. I've alerted the army and they're ready to leave. On your word Yami," Seto said.

I took a deep breath and looked on the table. A picture of me, Mother and Father with Seto. 'Please...wish me good luck and no one dies...'

"Alright! We are moving out right now! Joey you go to one of your friends for a bit and we'll contact you when we are back." I said and Joey nodded and hugged Seto. 

"Yugi. I'm telling you now if things don't go right I want you to run. Don't come back until 12 hours later you hear me?" I asked and he death glared me.

"Am I hell. If someone shoots you then I'm going down with you," he said and I just laughed at him. "You think I'm joking?"

"No. It's just from when I knew you as a kid you wouldn't hurt a fly, let alone look like you can do damage. But now your completely different." I said and he was going red. "But apart of you that hasn't changed, is the way you care for others."

He face went blood red and Seto and Joey just laughed at us. Joey walked us down to the main door where half of the army was waiting, the other half had already left and set up camp for us arriving. "Yuge, Yami, S-Seto. You all better come back alive," he said and was close to breaking down. Seto squeezed the life out of him while Yugi grabbed my hand.

This is it...there's no going back now. Mother...Father, look out for us all. And keep everyone safe. I don't want this to go on for Ra knows how long....This needs to end soon.'s a coming closer. The final battle between the boys and Pegasus. Wonder what's going to happen? I think I have things for this book planned for after the fight which I'm really excited for. 

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FR THE NEXT ONE!!

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