Chapter 23, Joey confronts the Prince...

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*Yami's POV*

It feels weird waking back up in my own bed, in my own house. I wish I could be back in the game shop with Yugi, not matter how small it was. But hey, the little shop is was made me feel a little more closer to him. "Young Sire are you awake!!"

"Seto I can get myself up in the morning," I groaned and got out of bed. I heard his footsteps go away and got myself ready after a warm shower. 30 minutes later because I take so long to change we were in the car on the way to school.

"I guess you got that work done I left you?" he asked and I gave him thumbs up. "Good. Now I think I'll need to alert you that there is another royal family that are a great distance away. They don't have such a great reputation so be aware."

I don't think that they will cause any trouble for now and it can't be Rebecca's father. But they might stir things in the future. As we were driving up to the gates, I saw Yugi and Joey walking into the school and opened the window. "Yugi! Joey wait up!" I yelled and they both turned to me. Yugi showed a massive smile as Joey did as well. The driver pulled up and I shot out, forgetting about Seto who tried to stop me.

We met half-way and tackled each other, squeezing the life out of each other. "Hey Yami is it? Any chance I can have a quick word with ya for a minute?" Joey asked and I agreed. Yugi went on a little and surprisingly Seto went and stood with him. "So I guess you and Yugi are doing good now right?"

"Yeah and I couldn't be more happy with the way things are," I said and had a warm feeling inside of me. He just gave me a sneaky smile and moved closer, as if he didn't want anyone to hear.

"Listen I know something is going on in your mind about my bud. Fancy telling me what?" he asked and I jumped back from him, face growing red and a bit taken back from the question.

"W-What on earth makes you think that!?!" I asked and he just started to laugh his head off. I don't feel anything for Yugi like that...I think.

"Oh come on. I see the way you two look at each other and talk about each other. I see it when two people fancy each other," he said and nudged my arm. I was going redder by the minute, I had to leave before he could ask anything else. Walking past him, I went to Yugi and grabbed his arm dragging him off.

"Hey Yami, what's up?" he asked and stumbled a little as I caught him off guard. 

"Err it's nothing let's just go to class," I said and loosened the grip I had on him. We got to our first class and sat down waiting or the bell to go. "Hows things back at the shop? Your grandpa come back yet?"

"Yeah, he came back this morning exhausted. Went straight to bed after checking on me. I'm going to check on him when I get home," he said and got some of his boos out for the class. "What about at the palace? Has the devil Kaiba done anything to you?"

"Hehe hes not that bad Yugi, but no apart from some paper work I had to do before sleeping," I said and went to the back of the class where the spare books were. The first class was Maths which was my best subject, but Yugi said that he was horrible at it. 

When the break came between the two classes I went and got us some water. While at the vending machine Joey was out and stopped me. "Do you have a tracker on me or something?"

"Tck, I'm not that interested in your life Princy, but you didn't give me a proper answer earlier," he said and put a coin in the machine. 

"I-I don't have an answer because...UGH why is this difficult to say!!" I yelled and walked around trying to get a hold on myself. Joey just watched in amusement and opened his can, leaned against the machine and started to drink. "I don't have an answer because I don't know myself..."

"Okay so your confused in whenever you like Yugi? Or is it you don't know how to feel?" he asked and and had another sip of his drink.

"Both! I've never had this problem before and don't know how to deal with this!" I yelled and grabbed my hair. Joey threw his can in the bin and came to me, putting a hand to my shoulder. 

"Dude don't go stressing yourself about this, just think it through and I'll give ya a hand with whatever alright?" he asked and showed me a smile. He is a really good friend, but I wonder how he met Yugi in the first place?

"Thanks a lot Joey, I need to get back now. See you at break?" I asked and he nodded his head. With a high-five, we said goodbye to each other and I got back to class. Yugi was copying from my notes as he said I make better notes then him. My feelings towards him....I have no clue what they are. 

Joey is quiet the little cupid isn't he? Wonder if he will help Yami and Yugi, or will time sort it for them?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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