Chapter 22, Returning home...

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*Yami's POV*

"Well Yami are you sure you wanna go through with this?" Yugi asked me as we were making our way to the palace. My time was almost up and I needed to head back home. 

"I don't really have much choice. This country needs me as I'm the only one left," I said and kept walking while Yugi slowed down a bit. "What's up? Something wrong?"

"'s nothing. Come on we don't have much long," he said and picked his pace back up, grabbing my arm and dragging me on. Something is wrong with him, he doesn't seem right. The atmosphere was much different from when we first left. After a very long and quite walk, we got to the gate of the palace. "Well looks like this is where I head home now."

He went to turn around but I grabbed his arm stopping him from moving. "Hold on a minute Yugi. You know your free to come up any time you want. If the guards stop you tell them to send me or Seto," I said and he nodded his head. I gave him a quick hug before he headed home.

The gates opened and Seto was waiting on the other side. "Welcome home young sire, we're all glad to see you're alright," he said and intermediately hugged me. After he pulled away some of the maids also hugged me then we headed into the main throne room. It felt weird being back in the massive home when I had gotten used to the little game shop.

"So what did you and Tyke get up to when you were with him?" Seto asked and took a seat near the desk. I sat behind the desk and got a feel for the chair.

"We just chilled and went out to the arcade. Nothing too special and he has a name you know," I said and logged into my laptop after struggling to remember the password. I want to have more days like that, not worrying about anything and being...well a normal teenager.

"It's nice to hear you got along, but now your back and I hate to rush you but you now need to do some paperwork," he said and pointed to the little pile next to me on the desk. I let put a heavy sigh, as it was 11 at night and I just wanted to sleep. Seto made it clear I had to do it before I went to sleep so I got to it straight away.

*Yugi's POV*

I shut the door behind me as I finally got home. After locking up I went up to the second floor and had a peak in the guest room. I don't know why but it felt so lonely without Yami. I've been alone before. When I didn't have friends, when Grandpa would go out late to pick up stuff for the game shop so why does it feel so different now? 

I just closed the door and went to my room, got changed and hit the sheets. My phone started to ring and Joey was calling me which made me feel not so alone but didn't help much. "Heya Yuge, is Prince Boy still with ya?"

"No I just walked him back to the palace, his body guard told him that he needed to be back."

"Aww that's a shame. Look bud I'm sorry about keeping Yami's past a secret for ya. I just didn't think it was the right time to tell you," he said and it didn't really bother me because I'm glad that I've been told because it has only brought us closer. "You two were really close though, and I mean not in the past."

"What are you hinting at Joey?" I asked and could feel him smiling through the phone.

"Daa it's nothing, I'll just keep my ideas to myself. Coming back to school tomorrow?" I told him yes. "Maybe Yami and his pal will come in as well."

"The ball is in my court now. Why do you care about, oh by the way his name is Kaiba," I said and silenced Joey. "AHA! You do feel something because you never go silent!"

"Oh hush you and your Prince boyfriend!" he yelled and I knew I was going red.

"So if Yami is my so called boyfriend then what is Kaiba to you?" I asked and again nothing. "Ahahaha I love to wind you up. Gonna go now Joey. Have fun dreaming about your knight in armour bye!!"

Before he could get another word in I hung up the phone and laughed a little to myself. I think he might have a thing for Kaiba, too soon to call it. I'll just observe for a bit and see how they act with each other. I wonder what Yami is doing right now. Is he asleep? Is he talking with Kaiba about him staying with me? Ra there's so many questions I have but I need to sleep. I hope you go to school Yami...

So Yami is back at the palace and Yugi in the game shop. Will this keep the boys apart? Probably not...Not if I have anything to write about it!!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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