Chapter 51, Speeding the process...

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*Yugi's POV*

It was like a scene was repeating, watching the doctors running in and out of Atem's room.  "Tell me Yuge, why is that person here?" Joey asked and pointed into the room. 

"I found him in a car that crashed. I wasn't going to just leave him there when I could help!" I yelled and Joey sunk down a little. "Look I gotta go somewhere, stay here and don't disappear."

Joey tried to stop me from going anywhere but Kaiba grabbed his arm and shook his head. "On you go Tyke. I might now where you're going," he said and I froze a little. Oh course he would know somehow, he has sharp ears even outside the palace!

I ran away from them hearing Joey calling for me in the background. I got back to the training room and found Shadi outside. "Hello little Yugi, have you come back for more training?" he asked and went to open the door. 

"Yes but I need to ask you of something. You're gonna need to do the training 2 times harder on me, don't ask why." I said and went in the room and got changed into the training gear. "So what is the next thing anyway?"

"Um, I think it's stealth training with guns. But Yugi this isn't something that we can rush. This takes time and practice, if not done right then you could end up hurt," he said and followed me into the main room.

"Well I don't have the time and near does Yami. Something big is gonna happen and I need to be ready," I said and looked at the row of guns. Shadi already told me that the guns are filled with blanks fro practice and I'll get the proper bullets when I am doing the finale test. "Start the simulation Shadi!"

He was hesitate at first, but he pressed a button and different boxes and towers appeared around me. "T-The training dummies will be smarter and faster, so your eyes may not be the wise choice here so focus on other senses!" he yelled and hid himself away. I need to be better, I will be better.

*Yami's POV*

I wonder where Yugi was when he was running away? Also the doctors seem to be busy with something. Seto and Joey walked in but Joey seemed mad at something. "What's yanking his chain?" I asked and Seto let out a laugh. 

"Well Tyke brought in your twin who seems to be badly hurt then he ran off somewhere," he said and looked out the window. Twin? Is he on about Atem but how is he hurt? But that's not my main  worry right now.

"Where has Yugi ran off to?" I asked but Seto shook his head. He's hiding something...he can't hide much from me. "Seto...I know your lying. Tell me right now."

"Even if I told you where he went you wouldn't be able to find him." he said and I grinned at myself. I wiggled myself out of bed but almost fell if it wasn't for Joey catching me. "Hey what do you think you're doing!!"

"What do you think, I'm going to find Yugi. Ya know if I knew where he was then I wouldn't have to wonder about the palace. I could collapse looking for him. If only I knew where he was, oh well!" I yelled and headed for the door. Seto hates when I do that, because he starts to panic. I had a little look back and saw that he had worry on his face.

I opened the door but felt a arm grab me. "Fine fine! If you wanna find him then go to the training room." he said and...what? Why would Yugi be in the training room? I didn't second guess him and left for the room, using the wall to stable myself on my feet. Since the doctors were dealing with Atem so the halls were almost dead. 

I got to the room and heard nothing inside, did Seto lie to me? I was about to walk away but a gun fire made me burst into the room. In it was full of make shift city blocks and different blocks, what is this all about. I saw that someone was in the command room and went up there without being caught by whoever was training. "Hello? Shadi?"

He was at the buttons and when he turned to me he jumped a little. "O-Oh Prince Yami, what on earth has brought you here!?!" he asked and tried to get me to the back of the room. 

"I came here looking for Yugi, any clue if he came by here or where he could be?" I asked and he looked like he was struggling to get a answer.

"I er haven't seen him around. Maybe he is with his friend  Joey?" he said and rubbed his neck. I heard another gun fire and saw a little puff of smoke appear. "Hey I told you to be careful!!" He ran out the room and I tried to follow him, but he shut the door slowing me down. I opened the door and and followed him down to the ground.

He was talking to someone behind a pillar and when I turned the corner to see who it was I was riddled with confusion. "Yugi!?! What on earth are you doing here!?!" I yelled and saw them both jump. Shadi looked down at the ground while Yugi stared at me dead in the eye then back at Shadi. 

"Well how did I do Shadi? I'm done with the exercise ," he said and pointed back with one arm. I noticed that his clothes on his right arm were ripped and a cut was on it and blood was running down.

"U-Um by looking at your work I'd say you've passed this one with flying colours. Better go and take care of your arm and have a break," Shadi said and Yugi nodded at him. Yugi was going to leave but I caught up with him and left the training room. 

"Yugi! Hey Yugi slow down and talk to me please!" I yelled and manged to grab his arm but it was his swore arm and he jumped a bit. "Sorry, but can you tell me what is going on?"

"S-Sorry Yami but can this wait until the morning? I fell like I'm going to pass out," he said and turned to show a bright smile. I'm a sucker for that smile he I nodded my head at him. 

"Alright rest easy, I'll see you in the morning," I said and patted his head. He went back to my room and I went back tot he nurses room because they would flip if they couldn't find me. But Yugi...what is he up to in the training room? And that test he was doing, I recognize it from when Seto was training. But that test was the 4th one out of ten, I guess I'll ask him in the morning 

Well he seems to be doing well ^.^ And Yami is able to walk which is also a good thing. I didn't really have anything bad happen in this one for once!! Well apart from Yugi getting a cut but hey, that's not that bad!!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

The Title Doesn't Mean Anything (Puzzleshipping)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя