Chapter 8, Til I return...

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*Yami's POV*

My head hurts so much...How did I get this lump on the side? Wait Seto smacked me! Yugi, I need to go to him right now! "Sire it might be wise for you not to leave the palace," I heard and looked to the side to where Seto was sitting.

"Are you telling me I should stay here while my best friend is in hospital with his parents probably dead! He doesn't even know so when he hears it, he will be heartbroken!" I yelled and tried to leave again but Seto stood in front of me. "I'm ordering you to move Seto Kaiba! Get out of my way!"

"Your mother is with him, she will give us information so there's no need for us to go," he said and held his arms out to stop me. So does father know about him then if mother is with him? What does he think of him? "For now focus on making friends with the daughter here, it's why we're here."

"Why do I need to do this anyway? Yeah I'm the prince but there's only so much I can do as a kid! No normal kid would have to do this so why couldn't I be treated like them!" I yelled and felt myself tearing up. I can't help it, he's making me so angry I can't control my emotions.

Seto just let out a sigh and leaned against the door. "Yami, there isn't much I can do as in right now, but when you become a teenager I can help you. Right now my job is to watch over you and make sure your safe."

I can't be angry at Seto for this, it's my fathers fault. He's the one who made this a final decision seeing how mother tried to fight it. In fact, why have we been hiding Yugi, am I not allowed to have any friends. "I'm sorry for yelling at you Seto I just... wanna see my best friend..."I mumbled and slumped down where I was standing.

A knock came to the door and the King walked in. "My apologise Prince Yami. But I have just gained more news about your friend called Yugi?" he said and I instantly straighten up. "It appears the boy is in stable condition and will live on! He is still asleep but should wake up soon."

"That's the best news I have ever had! Thank you so much!" I said and bowed. Yes we both may be royalty but he is a huge step ahead of me. He came over to me and lifted my head up. He opened up my hands and placed a piece of paper in it. "Whom has this come from?"

"I think your mother has sent it. She maybe might be able to give you more information through that letter." he said and went to leave but not before looking back at me and giving me a small smile. I really wanted to open the letter, but with Seto breathing down my neck I would rather him not be in here.

Glancing back at him, I gave him the best death glare I could and he got the idea, giving me some space. I sat down on my bed and open the letter starting from the top.

'To my little Yami, I know that you want to come home and see Yugi but you must stay there. In the mean time I will spend my free time with him, helping him out the best I can. He is still asleep and the doctors say it might be a while for him to wake up. He has a broken arm, a lot of cuts and some bruise but overall he is not too bad.'

'It's such a shame about his parents..I heard that they were on their way to see another family member but they passed away too. Yugi only has his grandpa now, so when you come back we will do our best to make him feel like he has a family in us. I hope that when you get some free time you'll be allowed to visit him but until next time, take care I love you! The bestest mother!'

I'm really happy to hear that he's modernly alright but losing both of his parents in the one movement...For that to happen to a kid what is he gonna be like when he wakes up and here's the news? It'll destroy him...I need to be there! "Seto I'm going to talk to the King, wait here." I said and shot out of the room. A few guards stopped me to talk but I tried to make it fast.

I arrived at his throne room and heard crying from inside. I went to grab the handle but the door flew back, making me jump. Rebecca ran out crying and headed for her room. "Rebecca please, come back here! Oh Yami do come in," the king said and held the door open for me. I took a step in and it was smaller then I thought it would be. "Take a seat and tell me what's on your mind."

I sat down on the seat next to him and he offered me a cup of tea. I refused it as I didn't come to drink tea. "I wanted to talk about me leaving from time to time to stay at home for a while, a very dear friend is in hospital and I wish to be there when he awakes,"I said and kept eye contact with him.

"Yami my dear boy, that is completely fine. Were you thinking we would keep you here all the time? All we ask is that yo stay here for as long as possible, just until you reach the age of 17. Then you can make your own choices. You could even call this whole thing off," he said and looked out his window. "I really like you Yami and would love if you became apart of this family but it's your own choice, chose wisely my boy."

"Thank you sir, I will take my leave now. Goodnight," I said and left. I actually jumped for joy and ran back to the room and hugged Seto. "Seto I can't wait to grow up."

I'll make sure to see Yugi whenever I can, but until I grow up wait for me! I promised I'd come back and I intend to keep it.

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